that are not Prelatical. The Papif's unchurch all but themfelves and fo among them,they leave Chrift but a very fmall part of his inheritance. Sett. 25. 19. Yea I fear that by Confequence ( and too near and plan a Confequence ) they diffolve the Catholike Church it fel£ And if it be fo, let them judgewhether their do- Ctrine fubvert not Chriflianitie ? I ufe no violence for the infe- rence. If want of Prelatical Ordination doNull the Proteftant Miniftrie and Churches, then it mutt needs follow that far grea- =ter defects ( and more again(' the vitals of the Church ) will doas much tounchurch the Romanif's, the Greeks, Armenians, Syrians, Ethiopians, Egyptians, &c. But alas, how eafie is it to prove that all thefe have far greater defetts then the Pref- byterian Proteftant Churches ! and fo the whole mnuft fall toge- ther. Sett. 26. 2v. Byall thefe means they joyn with the Qpa- kers, and Seekers, andDrunkards in oppofng the fame Miniftrie that theyoppofe. Youare no true Minifîers of 7efut Cbrifl, fay the Qáakers, Seekers, and other Setts ; fo alto fay thefe that nowwe are fpeaking of : and if they preach their doctrine, and fide with them againft the fervantsof Chrift, let them be afraid left they partakeof their Spirit andReward. Seel. 27. 2I . Their dottrineand pra&ice tendeth to grieve thehearts of the moat experienced gracious fouls. Should all theMinifters becafe out that are not Prelatical, and the places fupplyed, as they mutt be in their f ead, with fuck as can be bad, O what a day would it be to hone{' humble fouls, that werewont to delight themfelves in the publike worfhip of God, and to find inf'ruttion, and admonition, and confolation futable to their necellities ! If now they fhouldhave all turned to what the Doctrineof thefe men portends, theirfouls would be as in Wildernefs, and famine would confume them, and they would lament as David in his banifliment, and the Jews in their captivi- ty, to thinkof the dales that once they taw. Se& 28. 22. Anddoth it not imply a great deal of :obeli- *eft and:oomitie to Reformation, when men dare thus boldly un- church the molt of the Reformed Churches, and pats fuch de- (matenullifyingcenfures on the moti holy, able, painful Mini- lienof the Gofpel) O how many of them are fiudying, and watch-,