(Z50) gratifie the flefh. For fume will fay, Iamat a loft, between&oth waye,; Icannot fee the lawfaalnefr of Prelacy: andy-et they[peak fo confidently of the nullity of all other calling,, that I will bear till Iambetter refolved Another will fay, 1find my felf take noMisiffer,and thereforefree from theObligation to ttfli'nifie- rial Offices ; and I will take heed bow I come rsra'er that yoaJ, again, till Ihavefuller refolt,tion. Another will fcruple being twice Ordained, and fo will think it fafer tofurceafe. At leaft they tempt men to fuch refolutions, that would difcharge them from fohard a work. See. 3 3. 27.By this means alto they make the breaches that are among us to be uncurable, and proclaim themfelves utter- ly unreconcileable to the molt of the Proteftant Churches. For if they will have no reconciliation or communion with them, till they ¡hall confefs themfelves no Churches, and cart offall their Minifters, they may as well fay flatly,theywill have none at all. For no reafonable mancan imagine or expe& that ever theChurches ¡houldyield to there terms.When they are de- clared noMinifters or Churches, you cannot thenhave Comma pion with them as Minifters or Churches. Se& 34. 28.And it is eafie to fee how much they befriend and encourage the Papifls in all this. Is it not enough that you have vindicated the Pope from being the Antichrift, but you mutt alto openly proclaim that Rome is a true Church, their Priefts true Priefis, their-Ordinances and Adminiftratibns Valid, but all the Proteftant Churchesthat arenot Prelatical are indeed noChurches, their Minifters no Minifters, &c. Who wouldnot then be a Papift rather then a member of fuch a Proteftant Church ? How canyoumore plainly invite men to turn Papifts unlfsyou woulddo it exprt fly and with open face ? Or how could you gratifie Ptpiftsmore ? Sect. 3 5. 29. And truly if all there evils were accomplifhed, theMinifters forfaken, iniquity let loofe,the Ordinances propha- nedby unworthymen, &c. we could expeâ nothing but that the judgements ofGod fhould be poured out upon us for our .Apoftacy s and that temporal plagues involuntary (hoard" ac- company the fpiritual plagues that we have chafer' ! and that Cod ¡Mould evenförfakeour land, and make usa by word and an billing.