Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

billing to the Nations : and that his judgements thould writeas upon our doors, This is thepeople that wilfully call out the .Mi- nifers and mercies ofthe Lord. Se&.. 36. 30. And if all this were but accomplifhed in the Conclufion I may be bold to ask, what would the Devil himfelf have. more , except our damnation it Pelf ? If be were to plead his owncaufe , and to fpeak for himfelf, would he not fay the very fame as there Learned, Reverend Difputers do ? would he not fay to all our gracelefs people, Hear not theft Mini/fers : they are no true Mini/tern lopsnot in Communion with their Churches, theyare no true Churches? I doubt not but he would fay many ofthe fame words,ifhehad leave to fpeak. And fhould not a man of any fear be afraid, and a man of any piety be unwilling to plead the very caufe of Satan, and fay as he would bave them fay, by acculing fomany famous Churches and Minifters , as being none indeed, and drawing the people fo to cenfure them and forfake them This is nowork for a Miniller of Chril}. Sett. 37. Betides what is here faid,I defire thofe whom it doth concern,that areafraidof plunging themfelves into the depth of guilt and horror, that they will impartially read over my firft (beet for the Miniftry, which further thews the aggravationsof their fin that are now the oppofers and reproachers of them. Confider them,and take heed. Se&. 3 8. But again I delire thefeBrethrento believe,that as it isnone of the Prelatical Divines that I here (peak of but thofe that thus nulliñeour Church &Miniftry,while theyown the Mi- niftry and Church of Rome;fo it is none ofmy delire toprovoke even axle, or injure them in the leafl degree But I could not in this fad conditionof theChurch,but propound therehainout evils to their confideration, to provoke them to try, °aryl to take heed left they thould incur fogreat a load of guilt, while they think they are pleading for Order in the Church.How can there be anycharity to the Church,or to ourbrethren inus,if we can fee them in fuch a gulfof fin as this,andyet fay nothing to them, forfear of provoking them todifpleafure ? Se&. 39. AndI think it necefiary that all young men that are call by their arguings into temptationsof fallingwith them into thefame tranfgreffions, fhould havethecafe laid open to theme that they may fee their danger ; and not by the accufationsof K k z Schifm