Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

( 25) Sci ifm be led into far greater real Schifm,with fo many other fins as tlefe. Sea. 46. Yet is it not myintent to juttifie any diforders or mifcarriages that any have been guilty of in oppofition to the Prelacie. And if they can prove that I have been guilty of any fuch thing my Pelf, I fluff accept of their reproof, and con- demn my finas foon as I candifcern ir. Only I muff crave that the tfual way of prefumption, affirmation, or bare names of crimes be not fuppofed fufficient for Conviâion, without proof, and before the caufe is heard. And alto I do profefs that for all that I havehere faid againft the Englifh Prelacy, and though Iearneftlydefire it may never be refored,yet were I to liveun. der it again, I would live peaceably and fubmiffively, being obedient, andper fwadingethers loobedience, in all things law- full. RAWVT:T _._' ,`e C I- AP. I X. The linfilnef :of del-piling or negleding Ordination. ge& t. ,,,, - v \'' T is a thing £o common and hard- fr,. ::''1'!", `° ly avoided, for men in oppofing , a+r V' \-\'` one extream, to Teem tocounte- 4iP / % ,, nance theother,and for men that are convinced ofthe evil of one, \s to run into theother as theonly 7/5 truth, that I think it neceffa- ry here to endeavour the pre- ventionof this mifcarriage : and havingPaid fo much againfi theNeceffity of Prelatical Ordina- ti4n,and in foaoe cafes of any , I fitall next Thew the greatnefs of