( 153 ) of their fin that despise or negleá Ordinationwhen it may be had. Sea. 2. For the right underfanding of what is to be fard, I muff again remember you, that thoughit be not at the Ordain- ers wilt to deprive the Church of Ministers, and it is none of theQpeftion which they have to refolve , Whether the Church (hall haveMiniflers or none(and therefore there may be Ministers withoutthem, if they would hinder orrefufe ;) And though it be not the Queftion which is put to theirdecifion, what kind of Miniflers the Churchfball have ( for that Christ bath determin- edof;) nor yet what Rttalifications areneceJary to them, (for that alto Christ bath already fet down ;) yet is it a great and weighty cafe that is put to the decilion of Ordainers, that is, whether this man be thus qualifiedas Chrifi bath defcribed and required in cfrliniflers ? and whether bebe thefitte/Iperfon (or fit at leafi) for the particular charge to which he is called? And the right determining of this quellion is a thing that the Chur- ches welfare Both very muchdo depend upon. Sea. 3. And therefore it is thedeciuion of this oneQuellion, that Ministers, People and Magilirates themfelves, mull all con- tribute their powers and endeavours too in their feveral places. All that they have to do is but to fee that theChurches have fit men, even fuch asare qualified as God requireth. The Peo- ple mil choofe fit men : or content to them when chofen for them: The Pallors mull try them,and Approve them,and only them that are fit : The Map/irate mull encourage, affi anddefend fit men, and forbid such as are intolerably unfit, and not permit them to abufe the name and Ordinances of Chrifl, and wrong his Church. Sea. 4. This treble guard at the door of the Church doth much tend to its fecurity, and prefervation from the great evils that intruders may introduce. And each partyofthe three háth a fpecisl intereft which should make them carefull of the bufli- nefs. I. The people have great reafon to have a band in it and to becarefull : For it is their Souls for which their Overfeers watch, and their Salvation that is concerned in it. Andhe that will not trufl his Son withany Tutorwithout due choice,nor his fiate with everyLawyer,nor his bodywith every Phyfician, no nor his land, or cattlewith every fervant, but will choofe the Ilk 3 belt,