Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

( 254) heft, bath reafon to know upon whorecare be trufleth his foui. For though it may be fome excufe , it will he no juflification of them that lie in fin and mifery, to fay Our Teachers did mif- lead us. For if the blind lead the blind, it is both that fall into the ditch Cyprian faith ( with the reti of his Col- legues, ) Epif1.. 68. ( alias Li. i . Ep. 4.) [Proper quad plena diligentia, exploration inter oportet eosad Sacerdotium delegi, quo: à Deo con/iet andiri. Nec ¡bi plebs blandiatur, quafi im- munù offe a contagio deliîli poffit cum Sacerdotepeccatore commit. means, & ad injuflum atq; illicitum prepoliti fui Epìfcopatum conjenfum from commodans, &c. -- ] Befides the work ofthe Minifiry isTeaching and Perfwafive,and the fuccefs is only on the Willing: and Peeing we cando nothingon them for their good againft their wills,or without their own Confent,it lanced. full therefore that fome way or other their Courent fhould be procured,unlefswe would fruftrateall our labour, and mils our end. And allo, aChurch isa Society Voluntarily conjoinedfor holy worlip andLiving: and therefore it is contrary to thenatureof it,that they íhouldhave Paftors, or be members and not C'onfent. Sea. y. And z. For the Magi/}rate , there is..great reafon that he have . his part alto in the work : For the honour of God mull be his End ; the Law of God his chiefell Rule ; the Churchof Chrift his chiefefl fubje&s ; and the work ofChrift, hischifeftcare and bufinefs. AndPeeinghe RulethfromChrift,and by Chrifl,and for Chrift,it is necefiary that he take care of the ,quality, and.enterance,andcarriage ofMinifters,on whomChrifls Work and honour doth fo much depend. Se&.4. Yet is therefere a fpecial difference between theworks . of thefe feveral parties inadmitting men into the Minifiry. The proper or necefrarywork of the people,is but to difcern and con- fent: Whether theybe the firft Elec$ors,is amatter of indifferen ,$y in it felf,.& is fometime fit,and fometime unfit.The Magiftrates work is not toOrdain Minifters; but carefully toOverfee the ,Ordainers and thePeople,that theyput innone but worthy men: ,,.tend if he find that theymifcarry, be is not (ordinarilyat leaft) o take the work uponhim, and Ordain fitter men himfelf: but to.correct them towhom the work belongs, for their male -ads ,niniftration, and xeftrain them from mifdoing, and urge them ty,dpe tneens todo it better, or .caufe them to be difplaced that Are