are unreformable,that better may be chofen in their (lead, that will be faithful'. Se&. 7. And 3. The reafon of the Mininers interefl in the work, I fhall more at large laydownanon. And though there be a poffibility of frequent differences arifing, through dire- greement of thefe three feveral parties, yet Chrift would rather ufe this treble guard forcaution,then for the preventingof divi lion, lay openhis Church to the injury of intruders. Se&.$. And remember again, that it is not in the Power ofMad giftrates, Ordainers, People and all to makea Minifler ofChrift, of aman that wanteth the Effential Qualificàtions : Ex gnovis ligno nonfit Alercuriast. He that is not qualified for the works Effential to a Minifler, cannot by Ordinationbe madea Mini- (ter : Nomore then the bare (tamp can make currant money ofa pieceof lead, when the Law makes the Mettal Effential to currant Coin: And no more then a licenfe will make him aSchool mafter that cannot read : or him a Pilot, that-knows not how to Mule the flop : faith Cyprian obi fop, [Sed enim defiderio brie veflro, non tam noflra concilia, loamDivina pracepta refpondent quibos jampridem mandator voce caleffi, er Dei legeprefcribi- tor, goon d' quales oporteat elefervire altari, & Sacrificia Di- vina celebrare. ( Here he citeth Scripture) Rsha cum preditd manifef1a fsnt nobit,preceptis Divinis neceffe ell obfequia nailra deferviant : Nee perfonam in ejufmodi rebus accipere, antaliquid cuiquam /argiri potefl humana indolgentia obi intercedit, & le: gem tribuit Divina prafcriptia. ] (sod gives not men authority to contradi& his Law, or to Ordain a man uncapable of Ordi- nation; nor introduce the form,where the matter isundifpofed for it. Se& 9. Perhaps fomewill ask,tD'hatJbeuldbedone, incafe that theft threeparties difagree : If the Magi frate would have one man, and the Ordainert another, and thepeoplea third, or if two of them go one way, and the third another ? To which I anfwer,. There are many things that muff be taken into confideration for the right refolving of the cafe. Either the perfons nominated are equal or unequal : Either they are all capable, orfome of them uncapable : Either the welfareofthat Church dependeth on the choice : or elfe it may be fomewhat an indifferent cafe. L. If there be but one Minu ter to be had, and the Diffenters would