(z 5 6) would havenone,then k is pail controverfie, that the D;ffenters are tobe difobeyed. 2. tfoneparty would have a Godly,Able Minitler, and the other would have an incapable, intolerable perfon, then it is pall doubt-, that the party that is for the worthy perfon ought to prevail,and it is his duty to infifi upon it,and the dutyof the reft toyield to him. 3. If any will make a contro- verfie in this cafe where there is none, and fay, [Toofay this man is fittefi, and 1 fly the other man ( that is uncapable ) is fittefl, andwho fhall;be ? ] The party that is in the right mutt hold to their duty, till they are perfecuted from it,and appeal to God, who will judge inequity. if a blind man fay to a man that bath hiseye-fight [ Youfay thatyoufee; and l fay that Ifee; logfay that it is day /end Ifay it isnight; who 'ballbe believed?) It is not Inch words that will warrant a wife man to renounce his eye- fight, God will judge him tobe in the right that is fo indeed. 4. But if really the feveral parties are for leverai Minifiers that areall tolerable , :het if there be any notable difference in their fitnefs, the parties that are for the lets fit, íhould yield to the party that is for the more ft. If you fay,. They difcern it not; I aniwer, that is their fin which will not juitifie them in a further fin, or 'excufe them from a duty. They might dd., tern if they were not culpable , in fo great a difference, at lean whom they are bound to take for the mofi fir. 5. But if there be do great inequality , then there Rules ihould beobferved. i. TheMagiflrate fhould not deny the people their Libertyofchoice, nor the Minifers their Liberty in Approbation or diffallowance ? but only Ozerfee them all, that they faithfully do their feveral duties. 2. The Miniflerr Thould not hinder the people from their Choice, where both .parties nominated are fit but content themfelves wirh their- proper work, 3. The People.L.hould not infst upon their choice, if the M: fferr to whom it belonged), do difallow the perfon, and take him to be unmet, and refufeto ordain him.: becaufe obedience in fuch cafes is their duty and a duty that cannot tend. to their lofs, : at lei& not to fo much hurt to theta as the contrary irregular courfe may prove to the Church. 4. If Magiftrates or Minifters would snake the fiat choice, and urge thepeople to content ifthe perfonbe fit,it is the fafeft way for the people to obey and content, though it were better for the