(2.7 ) the Rulers to give 'them more freedom in the choice. 5. If a people be generally ignorant ( in too great a meafure, ) and addi&edto unworthy men, or apt to divilions, &c. it is their fafeft way to defire the Miaiftera to choofe for them. Or if they will notdo fo, it is the fafett way for the Minitiersto offer them a man: Yet fo that Iviagiftrates and Minitiers fhould expel their Content, and not letany man over them as their Pallor without content force way procured. 6. But if they are no Church, but uncalled perlons , and it be not a Pafior of a Church but a Preacher to Convert men, and fit them for a Church -fiate , that is to be fettled, thenmay the Magifiratc fettle Well a man, and force the people to hear him preach. 7. If Neceffity require not the contrary, the matter fhould be delayed, till M<,giftrare, Minitiers and people do agree. 8. The chofen Paliors fhould de- cide the cafe themfelves : They fhould not accept the place, and Content, till all be agreed, unlefs there be a Neceflity. And if there be,then the greateft necefíity fbould moli Tway. If the Magitirate refill, he will forciby prohibite and binder you from preach,ng. If the Minitiers refill, they will deny you the right band offellowibip. If the people refill, theywill not hear no join inworfhip norobey. All there if pofíible fhould be avoid- ed.ThePeoples confent (to aPallor of a Church)is of Neceffity. We cannot do the work of Paftors without it. And therefore nei. cher Magiftrates or Minifters can driveus on where this is want- ing(unlefs it be only to feek it,or only to do the work ofPreach.. ers to men without.) Unity andCommunion withNeighbour. Churches is fo much to be defìred, that nothing but Neceffity can warrant us to go on without it.And the Magifirates refiraint is fo great a hinderance, that nothing butNeceffity can warrant us to call our felves upon it. And therefore out ofcafes ofNe- ceffity,theMinitiers nominated fhould not confent till all agree : But in cafes ofNeceffity, the fouls of men and the worfhipof God, mull not be difregarded or negleded , though neigh:; hour -Churches or Minitiers difown us, or Magii}rates perfecute Se ft. i o. Remember thereDiftin&ions for the underftanding of what follows. r. Its one thing to be Approved, and another thing tobe folernnly Invetiud. Ordination contilleth of there twoparts. Z,Vire mua difference between Ordination, by one L I 1 aíìor ,