( 2- 58 ) PAtor, and by many. 3. Between Ordination by Parlors of thefawe Church, or of many Churches. 4. Between 01 di- nation by fuf6cient or ínfutiìcient Minifters. 5. And between Ordnation byNeighbour Minifters or Strangers. 6. And be- tween Ordinationby Divided Minifters, andConcordant. On thefe premifed I propose as followed). Se&. 1 r. Prop. 1. Approbation by Minifters is ordinarily to be fought and received by all that will enter into-the Miniftry.. Igave fome Reafons before,Chap. 2. Which here I (hall enlarge, by which the frnfulnefs of Negle&ing this Approbation may appear. Se&. 12. Rear. r. It is the way that God bath appointed us in Holy Scripture, and therefore to be followed. They that OrdainedElders or Bifhops in the Churches,did more then Ap. prove them, but could do no lets, r Tim, 4. 14. Timothy was ordained by the Impofition of the hands of the Presbyterie 1 Tim. 3. 15. Pailgiveth Timothy the delcriptioir-of tlifhops and Deacòns,that he may know howhe ought tobehave himfelf in the houleof God, which is the Church, 0-c. That is that be may know whom to Approved or Ordain, Tit.1 5. Tito, was to Ordain Elders in every City, eAlis 13. 1, 2, 3. The Prophets and Teachers in the Church at ,.Antioch did feparate ßarmskis and Patti to the work, with rafting and Prayer,and Impofition of hands. "It was the Apoftles that Ordained them Elders in every Church, Afb 14.23. Suppofe it muff be read [ by Suffrages ] as many would have it that proveth no more but that the People did confent : But nil! it is Paul and BArnabas that Ordained them Elders, though with thepeoples fuffrages, and it is they that are Paid to raft and pray in the next words. 4.4t7. 6. 3. Exprefly Thews that the People chofe the Dea- cons and the Apoftles ordained them { Lookye out among your (elves (even men of haneft report, full of theHoly Ghoft and wi1dom,whomWe may appoint over this bufinefs;But I (hall cut fhort this part ofmy task,becaufe fo much isPaid ofit already by many that have written for Ordination, to whom I Thall re- fer you. Se& 13. Real. 2. If there be not a ftanding regular way for Trying andApproving fuchas enter into the Miniftry, then men will beleft to be.:their own judges, and if theycan but get the cadent