Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

Czi9 confent ofany Congregation, will prefenty be Paftors.But this courfe would tend to the ruine or confufiónof the Church; as I fhall manifeft byevidence. Se&. 14. z. If ail roen may enter into the Miniftry that will., upon their own perfwafion that they are fit, the molt proud, feif-conceited, worthiefs men will be the readie togo, and if t ey can get hearers, will molt abound in the Church ; and the people will quickly have heaps ofTea.chers.For we all know that many of the Ignorant are leaft acquainted with their ignorance and commonly the Proud have the higheft thoughts of them. felves,and think none fo fit toTeach and Rule as they And what could be more to the fhameand hazzard of the Church,ther to have it taught and guided by fuck ignorant unworthy men ? Se&. 15. z. Moreover, Humble men are fo confcious of their weaknefs , and fenfible of the burden and greatnefs of the work, that they think themfelvesunworthy and therefore would draw back ; and foby their forbearance would give way to the forefaidproud intruders. And thus the Church would foon be darkened, defiled, and brought low, if all men were their own judges. Se&, 16. 3. Moreover, it is thecommondifpoficion ofEr- roneous and Heretical perlons to be exceeding zealous for the propagating of theirerrors, andbringing as many as is pofsible to their mind. So that if all be left to chemfelves, the taoft He. retical will run firft, and carry their filth into the houle of God, and feduce and undo men inflead of faving them. S,e&. a7. 4. By this means alto the Covetous and fordid worldlings will crowd in : and men will doby Preaching, as they do by Alefelling, even make it their !aft Trade when others fail : and he that breaks in any other Trade, if he have but any volubility of fpeech, will prefently turn Priefl ; till the Office and Ordinances of God feem vile, and be abhorred by the people. Thismull be theConfequent if allbe left to their own judgement. Se&. 18. 5. And it is too known a cafe, that the people will bid fuchperfons welcome, and fo they will make a match. The erroneous and giddy partywill have fuch as are futable to them. And the Covetous partywill have him that will do their workbell cheap.: if they will preach for nothingor for little, he L l 2 (hall