Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

z6® íhall be a man for them, though he would lead cbetn to perditi- on. If it be poyfon, they'i take it, if it coil them nothing. And many there be that will have their ownkindred or friends to make Prieas of and all that they have intere{t in muff joyn with them on the account of friendfhip. And the childith in- judicious fort, of Chriftians will follow them that have the fmvotheft tongues, or belt opportunities and advantages to pre- vail with them. And fo they will be toliedup anddown, and car- ried to andfro with everywindof doe rine,according to the canning fleight and fubtilty of men, by which they lie inwait to deceive.] Eph. 4:14. eAnd they will be carried about with divers and firange dottrines, Heb. i 3.9 . Sea'. 19. Real. 3. And when the Minifrie is thus corrupt- ed (by making every man judge of his own fitnels ) the Church will be corrupted, and degenerate into a common date, . and ceafe tobe a Church (if Reformationdo not flop the gan- grene.) For it commonly goeth with the Church according to the qualityof the Miniarie. An ignorant Miniftrie, and an ig- norant people ; an erroneous Miniarie, and an erring people; a fcandalous Miniarie, and a fcandalous people commonly go together. Like Priea, like people is the commoncafe. Seel. 20. Reaf. 4. And by this means Chriftianity it Pelf will be dtfhonoured,and teem to but a common religion,andfo but a deceit ro the great difhonour of fefus Chrift ; for the worldwill judgeof him and his caufe, by the lives of them that teach it and profefs it. Sect. zz. Reaf. 5. And by this means God will be provo- ked to depart from us, and be avenged on us for our difhonour- ing him. If he would'fpewout of his mouth lukewarm Laodi- cea, what would he do to ft ch degenerate focieties? If moa of the feven Churches, Rev.z &3.had their warnings or threat- nings for fmaller faults, what would fuch corruptions bring us to , but even to be plagued orforfaken by the Lord? See. 22. Real. 6. I f you fhould be men of ability and fitnefs for the work your fel ves, that enter without Approbation and Ordination,yer others might be encouraged by yourexam- ple that areunfit :and if youonce thus let open the door, you knownot how-to keep out wóoives and (wine : all the perlons before °defcribed will take the opportunity, and fay, Why may net