{z6 ><) not we enter unórdadned, ai well as Pleb and fuck ? Sett. 23. Reaf. 7. By this means alto youwill leave many lober godly perlons unfatisfied in your Miniftry, as not knowing whether they may own you asMinifters or not: &howmuch you fhould do to avoid fuch offence, me thinks you might perceive. Sett. 24. Reaf. 8. By this courfe alto you will walk con trary to the Catholike Church of Chrift, and that in a caufe where you cannot reafonablv pretend any necefíity of fo doing. Ever Vince Chrift had a Miniftryon earth, the confiant (ordina- ry) way of their admittance bath been by Miniflerial Ordina. tion. If anyman delpife this, and be contentious, we have no fuch Culiome, nor the Churches of God. Is it a defign be- feeming an humble man, a Chriftian, a fober man, to find out anewway of making Minifters now in theendof the world ? as if all the Minifters from tlfe Apoftles dayes till now, had come in at a wrongdoor, and wanted a true Calling ? This is too near themaking a NewMiniftry : and that's too near the Making of a new Church : and that's too near the feigningof. a new Chrift. The Church bath many promifes, that the gates of Hell fhall not prevail againft it ; that Chrift will be with her Minifters to the end of the world, they beinggiven by him for the perfe&- ing of the Saints, and edif ing of the Body of Chrift; till we all come in the unityof the faith, and knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfe&man, erc. Eph.4. '2,13. And therefore we mull not e.tfily believe,that the Miniftryof the univerfal Church have been falfly called or admitted until! now, and you have foundout a better wayat haft. Sea. 25. Reaf.. 9. You would bring that irrational confu- fion into the Churchof the living God, which is not to be in- troduced into the bafeft Commonwealthor fociety in the world. You have more wit then to let all men play thePhyfitians : but . will firft have them tryed by men of their own Profeffion or elfe the lives of many may pay for your Licentioufnefs.. You will have Schoolmafters approved by them that have Learning, before youwill commit your children to their truft.. And fha!! every man be a Teacher and Ruler that will in the Churchof Chrift, as if it were the only confufed contemptible Society in the world ? God isnof the Godof Confufion, but of Peace, as inall the Churches, faith the Apoftle, z Cor, 14.33. L l 3 Sea: