162, ) Set. 26. Reaf. i o. Do but confider how high, and holy, andhonourable a Calling it is to bea Minif#er ofthe Gofpel:and then it will appear,that it is horrible Profanationof Holy things, to fuffer all that will, to invade it. They are to be the EmbafTa- dors of Chrift, and (peak as in his Name, and to be Stewards of his Myfteries and Houfhold, and to nand near him, as at his altar,and todifpenfehis treafure,tomagnifie and praife his Name, and to adminifterhis holy Sacraments, &c. And fhould all that will, be taught to ufurp or. invade fuch an holy Calling ? Sea. 27. Reaf. z r. Confider alfo, bow great a Truff it is that is committed to all thatare Minifters.of the Gofpel. The fouls of men are committed to them : the Myfteries of God, the precious promifes andglad tidings of Salvation are commit- tal to them : the order and affairs of the houfeof Godarecom- mitted to them : thofe that are Chrifis Sheep , his Jewels, his Friends, his Brethren, his Spoufe, his Members, and as the apple_ of biseye, arecommitted to them. And is it futable to fo great aTruft, that menuntryed, unapproved, that do but think well of themfelves, and their owndoings, fluff at their pleafure take fo great a..charge ? What man of honour and wit among you, will give every man leave to beyour Steward, that bath but fol- ly and pride enough to think himfelf fit for it ? andwill not ra- ther choofeyour Stewards your felves? Sell. 28. Reaf 12. And is it not evidently notorious Cru- elty to the,fouls of men, to cafe them upon every unworthy fel- low that willhut be impudent enough to undertake the charge ? Do you fet fo light by mens everlafting Joy or Torment ? You would not focontemptuouflycaft awaymens lives : and will you lfo contetnptuoufly caff away their fouls ? And what a .contempt s it of the blood of Chrift, that thepurchafe made by it fhould be thus neglet ed ? You will lock up your money, and look to your goods, and take care of every groat of your eflates : and hall the fouls of men,and theblood and the inheritance ofChrift he no more regarded ? This is unjuff. Se& 2g. Reaf. 13. Yea and it is a way of Cruelty to the men themfelves, if every man that is lick of felfconcei:r, or Pride, fhall have leave to eaercife it, and run themfelves into ;unfpeakable guilt, by undertaking fuch works as they are no ,way able for : Alas, have not ,thefe ,poor flonera trangrefíions enough