263) enoughof theirown already, but you muff encourage them to' draw the blood of fouls, and the fins of fo many others upon their heads ? O what a burden do they take upon them l and what a dreadful danger do they run into ? Had you faith and any pitty of fouls, you would rather fiudy to do your bell, to prevent mens deftroying of themfelves and others, and fal- ling altogether into the ditch. I knowyou'l fay, that you are guiltyof no fuch thing : it is the faxing, and not the deftroy. ing of fouls that you intend by being Minifters unordained but your intentions will not jullifie yourcruel and defiru &ive practices. Its plain that you teach men by yourdoctrine and example to be their own judges of their fitnefs for the Miniftry, or to neglect the judgement of the Pallors of the Church: and what better can this courfe produce ? Se&. 3o. Reif. 14: Either you are fit for the Miniftry, or unfit : if fit ; wby fhould you be afraidof tryal ? He that doth evil comes not to the light : it is a figs of an ill caufe that can- not endurea juft tryal. But if youare unfit, is it not better to forbear? Se&. 31. Real. rs. Your very refufing ofa tryal doth give the peoplefufficient reafon toqueftion your call and fitnefs for the work, or your humility at leali : for humble men think meanlyer of themfelves, then to judge themfelves meet for fuch great employments, when they have not the encourage- ment of men that are more fit to judge : the good snen of old were wont torunaway from a Bifhoprick, or Pafloral dignity in thefenfe of their unfitnefs : fo that the Bifhops were fain to feek and fend after them : and ;Cregory of Neocefarea was Or- dained by Thedimus when-he-was three daies journey from him, even again(' his will ; and then charged by him in thename of Chrift to yield unto the Call. And what then fhall we thinkof that fort of men, that think themfelves fo good andworthy, as to run on their own heads, without due approbation ? Se&. 3 2. Real. 16. It is natural for man to be Partialin bis own Caufe : infomuch as no lawor equity will allow men to be witnef i s or judges for themfelves in the fmallei civil contro- verfie : and (ball they be judges of themfelves in fo great acaufe ? Are not others more impartial ? Sc&; 3 3 Real. 17. You cati away your own encourage- ment