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65) See. 37. And z. The people it cannot be : For i. Noman can thew a word of precept or example for it; nor prove that ever God didgive them fuch a power : Confent orEleetion is alt that can be pretended to by them. z. It is a work that they are commonly unable for : the Schollars may as well Tryand Ap. prove of their Schoolmafter. We confefs the People must by a judgement of difcretion, endeavour to find out the belt they can : but if they had not helps, and if they were alto called to a judgement of diredtion and decifion, what work would they make ? Do the Major vote, (or the Minor either) in molt or almoll any Congregations, underfland whether a man know the meaningof theScripture, or to be able todefend the truth, or whether he be Heretical or found in the faith, &c. ? God would not fet men on a work that is thus beyond the lineof their Capacity. It is a thingnot tobe imagined, that they that call us tobe their Teachers, fhould already be common'y able to Judge whether we are found or unfound, and able to teach them or not : for this importeth that they know alreadyas much as we ( for wherein they are ignorant, they cannot Judge of us.) And if they know as much already, what need have they of our Teaching ? 3. Anti it is contrary to the fubjeâion and inferiority of theirRelation : they that arecommanded to learn and obey us as their Guides, may yet content or choofe their Teachers, when Approved, or to be Approved by abler men; bnt they cannotbe imagined tobe appointed byGod to Ordain their own Overfeers : this is a moil ungrounded.fic&ion. Sth. 38. Reaf. zo. On the other fide, it is thePaftors of theChurch, and onlythey that are fitted tobe the flanding Ap- provers or Ordainers, as will appear in thefe particulars. I. It is they that are juflly fuppofed tobe of competent abilities to try a Minifter. If here and therea Gentleman or other perfon beable, that is a rarity, and therefore no flanding way for the Church inOrdainingMinifters can be gathered thence. a. Mi- niftersare doubly devoted to Godand tohis Church : and there- fore lhould have, andordinarily have, the of the Church. 3. It is juftly fuppofedthat Minifters are ordinarily the moll pious and confcionable men that are tobe had (orels they are too blame that choofe them to be Minifters) And therefore they maybeexpeted tobe moll faithful in the work, . And _ _._ they