Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

thole emit , to advife in fuck fufpicious cafes with neighbour Churches, andnot to receive a Paftor that comes in by way of Difcord, or than negieiteth or refufeth the concordant way, forhe that entreth in a divifiveway, is like to govern them ac- cordingly, and ftiil to limn the Communion of the Brethren. Se&.56. This Cyprian fully thews in the fore-mentioned Ep. 68.p,or. perfwading the people to fhuti the unworthy though they were Ordainedby Bífhops, adding [Ordinari nonnunguám indignos, nonfecundum Dei voluntatem, fed fecundum humanam prtefumptionem; & .hæc Deo difplicere, gem non veniant ex legitima jolts Ordinatione, Dens ipfe manifefitat, &c. Necef- litymay jufii a forge things that otherwife wouldbeirregulari- ties but when [ Per urbes fingulas ( that is, inevery Church) Ordinatitint Epifcopi, in ætateantiqui, infide integri, in prefjura probati, in perfecutione profcripti,illefuper cos crearealies pjeudo- Epifcopos audeat ] this is a fa& that the poeple fhould difown. And [ ui neq; unitatem fpiritus nee conjunclisnem pads obfer- vat, & fe ab Ecclefia vinculo, arg; d Sacerdotum collegio ¡epa. rat, Epifcopi nec poteflatem poteft habere, nechonorem, gni Epif- opatus net tenitatem zolust tenere, necpacem. Cyprian Epifl.5z. wed e lntonian. Se&. 57. Prep. S. Solemn Investiture is theTaft part of Ordi- nation, by,which the man that by content of the people and himfelf, and by the Pallors Approbation, had received from Chrift aRight to the Power and Honour, and Priviledges , and an Obligation to the Dutiesof the Office,is folernnly introduced and put in Pofï`effion of the place. Seit. 58. Though in force cafesa man may exercife the Mi- niítry upon the forefaid Approbation andElation ( which are molt neceffary) without this folemn inve1Iiture,yet is it ordina- rily aduty, andnot to be neglected And the people fhould re. quire the performance ofit : I neednot {land upon the Proof : for it is proved before by what was laid for Approbation, feeing they.have ever gonetogether. Though fundamentally he be a Chriftian that bath entered Covenant with Chrifl : yet before the Church he is Vifibly noChriftian that path not been Baptized,or at leafsmade open Profeffionof that Covenant. Though fun- damentally.they are Husband and Wife that are contra&ed, or knit together by private Confent ; yet in foroCivili, in Law fenfe,