fence,and before reen,theymuff be folemnly married, or elle they are judged fornicators. And fhould any fantaflical perlons feek to call by this publick inveftiture or folemn Marriage, as unnecef. fary, he would but let incommon Whoredoms : The folemnity or publication in fuch Cafes is ofgreat Neceffity. And its much conducible to the greater obligationofPallor and people to be folemnly engaged together: and tohave folemn Prayer for Gods bleffing, tendeth to their profperity. Seta. 59. When men are Ordained only to the Minifiry in General, it maybe done in one place as well as another, (that is otherwife convenient. ) But if they are alto Ordained to be Paflors of aParticular Church, it is the fittell way by far, that they be Ordained in the face ofthe Church, that thepeople and . they may be mutually engaged, &c. Though yet this be not ab- folutely neceffary. Sea.6n. And thus I have difpacht, with the brevity intended, this weightypoint, concluding with thefe two requefls to my Brethren that íhall-perufe it : t . That before they let out their difpleafure againfl me for contradiaing any of their conceits, they would humbly , impartially , andwithmodefl felf-fufpi- cion, both Rudy and pray over what they read, andnot temera- rioufly rufh into the battell as pre-engaged men. 2. That they will alway keep the faith and charity, and felfdenyal and render- nefs of Chriftians upon their hearts, and the great Ends and In- terert ofChrifl and Chriflianitybefore their eyes; and take heed how they venture upon any controverted points or praâice,as a Means that certainly contradiâeth the Spirit of¿hri/fianity,and the great Ends (the Churches Unity, Peaceand H..linefs, &c.] which all true means are appointed, and muff be ufed toattain. And wheressnt o wehave already attained, let us walk by the fame Rule, andmind the fame things, Phil. 3. 16. Remembring thatin Chrifi refus neither circumci/ion availeth, nor uncircumcifson,but a new creature. And as many as walkaccording to this Ruke,Peace be on themand Mercy,and on the IfraelofGod, Gal. 6. 15, 16. Finitur, títitay 19.165,8.