(276) but whatfort of Bifhops fhouldbe the ordinary Governours of theChurchof Chritt ? g. a. And thereforeit is, alto very immethodical and unfatis fa Cory of enoft that ever I read for Epifcopacy,that pleadonly for Epifcopacy inGeneral, but never once define that fort ofEpif- copacy which they plead for, but go away with it as fmoothly when the quefliou is unflated, as if they underftood themfelves, and others werecapable of underftanding them ; and fo they lofe their Learned labours. g.3 .Ihave already in the firft Difputation told you among ten feveral fortsof Epifcopacy, which they be that I think defirable, andwhich I judge tolerable, aad which intolerable. And I have there already givenyou the Reafons why I judge fuch 'a general unfixed Bifhop to be of 'landingufe to the Church and world,as here we are fpeaking of : and therefore I thall forbear here the repeating of what is Paid already. g. 4. That the world and Church ¡hold dill havefuch a General Itinerant unfixedMinifry, as that was of the Apoflles, Evangeliffs andothers, having there already proved, I have nothing todo morebut toPhew the ufeof it, and to anfwer the objcc`kions that fome very learned Reverend Divines haveufcd againft it. g. 5. Theprincipal ufeofa general Miniftry,is for the convert- ingof the unconverted world, and Baptizing them when con- verted,and Congregating their Converts into Church order and fetling them under a fixed Government. And the next ufe of them is, to have a Care,according to the extent oftheir capacity and opporun tics,of c he Churches which they have thus Congre- gated and fecled, and which are fetled by other Miniflers. 4.6. Let it be remembred that we arenot nowdifputing ofthe Name , but of the r"hing : It is not whether Inch an Officer of Chrift be tobecalled an Apoffle or an Evangel if#, or a Prophet, or aBifhop, or a Presbyter: But whether unfixed general Mi- nifters , to gather Churches and fettle them, and cake the careof many,without a fpecialPaftoral chargeof any one above the reft, were appointed by Chrift for continuance in his Church : This is it that I affil oa,and have already proved. 9.7. Nor yet is it anyof our. Queltion, Whether thedifference t between thefe general unfixed Miniflers and ordinary fixed Pres- byters,