Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

(177) byters , be in point of Authority or orexercife only. Whether they are twodil}in& Species of the Miniftry, or but oneof the fameOffice in Specie, varioufly exercifed : 1 have given in my thoughts of this before, fo far as I canyet reach : But if it be -granted that fome fhould ordinarily exercife their officegenerally andambulatorily over many Churches ,as others ordinarily muff exercife it fixedly in one particular Church, I (hall not contend whether they are to be called One Office or two: nor yet whe- ther the fixed Minifter may not extraordinarily upon a fpe- cial reafon , do the fame work as the itinerant Micifter in the fame way. But Minifiers there muff be for both thefe work. g. 8. And that fotne fhould make the general work before mentioned their ordinary bufinefs, and not take the panoral Charge of any particular Church, I conceive ( betides the for- mer proofs)is further manifef, I .In that the workofConverting Unbelievers, and bringing them into a fitnefs for Church Com- munion, is the work that is to go fire, and is the greaten work; Its the greaten in weight( prxcifively confidered,and as to the terminus à quo of the changethat it effe&s:) and it is the greaten in regardof oppofing difficulties: the winningofa foul, which rejoyceth Angels, and rejoyceth JefusChrift himfelf, will. have fo much of Satans malice to oppofe it , and bath fo much refinance in the heart of the (inner, that it requireth the whole work (inordinary) of thofe Minihers that are fpecially called. hereunto. §. 9. And a. Withall it commonly falls out, that there are far greater numbers tobe converted, then tobe Governed after Convertion : If it be not fo in tome Countries ( where the face ofGod hath fhined molt effe&ually) yet in others, and in mon it is : even in the far greatenpart of the world. O how many millions of fouls are there that perifh for lack of know- ledge , andknow not for want of teaching ; and never heard of Jefus Chrift in any likely manner to prevail in k their lives ? Surely "fuch multitudesof Miferable fouls, yea Nations, require Minitiers wholly let upon this work. 9, r o. And 3 . It ordinarily falls out too,chat theunconverted unbelievingpart of the world do live at a great difance from the Churches of Chrift : and therefore the fame man that is N n 3 Pallor