Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

C z. 8 o ) Call, we fhould findCbrifl ailing as if he were anfwerably en- gaged forour indemnity, or at leafl for our eminent encourage- ment and reward. I fever we might expert Miracles again, it would be upon our engagement in the ancient work ; though I know that even for this-they are now no more neceffary, nor I think, promifed. 18. And i o. We do hereby feem toaccufe Chrift unjuflly of Mutability, fuppofing that he had 'retied one fort of Minifiry andGovernment in his Church for oneAge only,and then chang- ed it for another, that is ever after to continue alone. I know the extraordinary workof that age (to plant Churches by new doetrine and Miracles, and reveal the new Articles of Faith and Pra&ice in Scripture to the world) did require fuch enable - ments thereto, whichordinary worksdonot require : and there- fore the Apotties, as immediatly fent, and as inditing Scriptures, and working Miracles, and Prophetically bringing newReve- lations,have no Succeffors. But the Apoflles as preaching to the Nátions,and as planting Churches, andas feeling tbem,and taking care of their profperity after they had planted them, and as ex- ercifing their Minifley itinerantly,as not fixedto a fp:cial charge, thus theyhave Succeffors, the work beingordinary, and fuck as Ihould be done now as well as then and mull continue while thenecefiityof it dothcontinue. g. i9. There needed] no other proof of this, then by ob- ferving that it was not Apofiles only, but all the Miniflry at firfi, that was thus unfixedand itinerant ; and that the Apoltles aG fumed Inch to their affitlance,andemployed them all their dayes in this work. g. 20. The feventy Difciples as well as the Apoíiles were at firfl by Chrifl Pent fárth in this Itinerant way, for theConverfion of rht inhabitants of yttdaa. And thus fohn the Baptifl bad preached before them. And after Chriits Refur- re&ion and Afcenfion, it was not only theApoflles, but it was they that were fcattered abroad, that went everywhere preach- ing the Word, Aí1.8.4. And who were there ? [ A61.8.1. They wereall fcatteredabroad throtaghotst the regions of JUdmea and Sr- inaria, except the Apaf?les. ] And the Evangelifis of thofe times are confeffed to have exercifed this Itinerant Miniflry : fo did :8arrtabas, Silas, Mark, Epaphrodittts, ychicus, Trophimus, Timothy,