ZSI) mót'hy, C:tits, Luke, and others ordinarily.Ic was the first and molt ordinary way then of exercifing the Minifiry. ¢. 21. And if we lived our feives in Heathen or Infidel Countreys, we shouldbe foon taught by experience, that this muff be hill an ordinary work. For what else is to be done till perlons be converted and brought into the Church ? They mull: be made Difciples before they can be ufed as Difciples, and taught to obferve all things that Chrift bath commanded. S. 22. But againft this it is objected, a. That the 1p.oftles were extraordinary Officers, and therefore have no Seecceffors. To which I anfwer, r. That I have before fhewed in what they were extraordinary, and inwhat not : in what they haveno Suc- ceffors, and in what they have. As Apoftles fcnt immediatly by Chrism to Reveal a new do&rive, and confirm it by Miracles,they have no Succeffors : but as general Minifters of Chrift to convert fouls, plant Churches, and take a care of many, they have Suc- ceffors ; call them by what name youpleafe. 2 And what if the Apoftles have no Succeffors ? Had the- feventy Disciples none ? Had Apollo, Titus, Timothy, Silas,-Barnabas, &c. none ? Had ali the Itinerant converting Minifters of thole times none , that were not affixed as Paftorsto a particular Church ? §. 23. Obj. 2. But at leaf$ in the extent of their charge the :Apoftles were extraordinary, in that they were topreach the Gorpel to all Nations. I anfwer inpoint of cxercife, being furnifhed 'with tongues and Miracles for the work, they were obliged to go furthor,or to more Nations thenmolt particular Minifters are now obliged togo : but that is not becaufe we want Authority, if we had ability andopportunity, but becaufe we want ability and opportunity to exercileourOffice. TheApoftles were not bound to go into every Nationof the world, inclusively ; but to avoidnone, but go toall, that is, to as many as they could. Otherwife they had finned in not going to Mexico, Peru, Bra-, file, the Philippine or .1!>Iolucco Mandl, to upon, China, &c. And it is our duty coextend our Minifiry for the Convertion of as manyas we have Ability and opportunity todo. That which was common to theplanting and watering Ministry in the Apo- files dayes, was not proper to the Apofties : but to go up and down the world to Convert, andBaptize, andplant, and water O o Churches,