Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

z$z) Churches as then common to fuch ( as Apollo, Sîle;s, &c. ) therefore, &c. g. 24. Obj. 3. But ( fay others ). the 4pQ lhFd were not Qá 14 fochunfixed Minifxers as you imagine , butfixed Diecefan Bi- fhopr. Peter was Bifhop of Antioch firfl, and of Rome after: Paul was Bifhopof Rome : James of Jerufalem, c c. Anf. That any Aponte was a fixed Bifhop, taking on him durante vi- ta the fpecial Pa{loral chargeof one particular Church or Dio- cefs, as his peculiar, is a -. Barely affirmed, and therefore not to be believed. 2. And is contrary both to the tenor of their Com- mifíion , and the Hiflory of their Minifirations. And 3. Is altocontrary to Charity it felf, and therefore is not worthy of anycredit. The Apoftleswere not fo lazy or uncharitable, as to affix themfelves to Parifhes or Diocefics, and leave the Nations of the world in their unbelief; and to ceafe the work that they were firfi fent out upon, before the neceffity of it ceafed. Peter and Paul were Bifhops of Rome, as they were of other Church- es which they planted and watered, and no more : even as Paul was Bithopof T;phefus, `Philippi, Corinth, &c. And 7amei was tither no Bithop of erufalem, or no Apoflle ( but as many think, another amen) Indeed pro temporenot only an Apoíile, but other Itinerant Mu-lifters were Bithops of the places where they came ; that is; were Officersof ChrifI, that might exercife any aft of their Office ( Teaching, Governing, adminifiring Sacraments, &c.) toany people that gave them a Call, or fo far as opportunity and need required. And fo I doubt not but every Minifter nowmay do in any Church on earth. 1f he be . invited toflay a day, or week, or month among them, and do the work of a Minifler, yea or if he be invitedbut to preach a Ser- mon to them, he may do it, not as a private man, but as a Mini- fier in general, and as their Teacher or Pallor pro tempore, er ad hoc, that give him the invitation. For though the tìrfi Call to the Miniftry, feparatingus to the Gofpel of God, do giveus our Authority in general to performany Miniflerial act ; yet I have before (hewed that a further Call is neeedfull for the particular exercife of this power :.and this is ufually by the people : who may fometime call aman to be their RatedPallor, and fometime but to exercife fome onePaftora1 aft, or elfe to exercife all butpre tempere, as there is needo