§. 25. Andby this mtans it carne to pats that the line of Suc- «efsion in many Churches is drawn down from the Apoftles, by Essfebires, Ilierom, and other ancient writers. Not becaufe the Apoftles were the ftated fixed Bithopsof thofe Churches, as the Succeffors were ; but becaufe they firft planted and Governed them, and were. their Bithops protempere till they had . ferled Bi- fhops over them ; and then went and did the like by other places fo that one Apoftle, or Evangelift, orunfixed Minifter, might be the root of Succefsion tomany Churches, even as many as they firft planted : but theirSucceffors hadbut one Church. §. z6. Objeet. 4. But What sift is there among us for foci! Miniiers as theft, when all the Nations are Convertedfrom infide- lity already? Anfw. i. If there were no ufe of fuch with us, we mutt not forget the lamentable necefsityof them abroad in the world. 2. As I before laid, experienceof theignorance and unbelief of many about us in the belt Parifhes, doth caufe me eafily tobelieve that in'Ireland, and part of Scotland, and Wales, and otherplaces wherefctled Minifters are few, fuch an I cinerane Miniftry is of neccffary ufe amongus. 3. But yet where there are fetledTeachers enough, theymay In fpared : for if we had Parifbes that had not the knowledge of Chrift, is is a greater work of mercy to fuch a Parini, to fettle a converting Teacher among them to fit them for a Church-flare, that fo they may have frequent Teaching, then to fendthem but now and then a Sermon. But where Minifters are not fo plentiful,it were a great fin for an able man to confine himfelf to one Town or Parifh, and neglect theCountrey round about. 4. And alto there is ufe for Itinerantstowater and take careof the Churches which are planted, as the Apoftlesand others formerly did. §. 27. Concerning thefe unfixed Minifters, I add thefe fol- lowing Propofitions. i. That fuck Minifters may not deprive the fixed Paftors of any of their Power: they may not difable them from Governing their own. Churches as fully as if there were no Itinerant Minillers. If they are admitted pro tempore to aft the Churches were they come, that will not enable them to hinder them, or affumeaLordfhipor aRule over the.Paftors of the Churches. §. 28. 2. Thefe Itinerant unfixed Minifters, are not fo ob- liged toperpetual motion, , but that they mayrefide for a .conft- 0 o Z derable