arable time in a place, either forthe following on the work of Converfion, where they finda plenteous harvefl, or for felling Churches, or furprefsing herefies or diforders, or becaufe of their own diÌability to travail. And thus Paul 'laid at and about Ephefus in Afia three years, Ad. zo. 3 i. Their flay mull be prudeiriaily apportionedto their work andopportunities. g 29. 3,. No Itinerant Is4inifler can ( of himfelf) exclude another from his Province, and appropriate it to himfeif,and fay, Bere Iwill wo-k alone, or here Ihavegreater Authority thenyou: nay it was ufual for thefeMiniters togo by companies, or more then one (as Paul and Barnabas , Paul andSilas, Pas/ and Timothy, Titus, &c.) fo that itwas nomans Province or Dio- cefs where they carne. For they that Convert Souls to Chrift and not to themfelves, andBaptize into his name andnoun their own, do know thegreatnefs of the workand'burden,and there- foreare gladof all the afsiflance they can get : when thofe that do nothing, are themen that thruíl others oiit+of the Vineyard; and fay, This is my `Diocefs. or Province ; you have nothing to do: gerlabour here., ] g. 3 o. 4. Yet may there lawfully and fitly be a Prudential difiribution or divifion of their Provinces among fuch unfixed Converting Miniflers : for to be all together and go one way,.. mull needs in a neglecting of moll of the world, and fo not a wifeor faithful performance of the work of Chrift. And there- fore fonae fhould go one way, and fome another, as may moll promote the work. g. 3:z. And ordinarily it is moll convenient, that therego. more then one to the fame people, (and therefore theywill not be like a fixed Diocefan I3ifop) for they have many wayes . need of mutual Alliance : one would beoppreffed with fo great a work, and have many difadvantages in the performances. Pal teednot togo alone, g. 3a. The perlons tobe exercifed in this ambulatory Mini- fration, may be determinedof, and their Provinces diflributed anyof thefe three wayes, or all together. i. By the Judgement- and Content of Pallors. If many fhall choofeout one, or two, or more, as fit for, the perlons chofen have reafon to obey, unlefs they canprove,or know the Pallors to be miflaken, and to have been rnifguided in their choice, The. Prophets and "Teachers,