Teachers of the Church at Antioch mutt fend or feparate Saut and Parnabas, for the fpecial work in which the Holy Ghoft would imploy them, w1î1.13. 1,2. which Teems to me, to be but a fecondary Call to fome fpecial exercife ,of their former Office one way rather then another. Thus alto by mutual agreement their Provincesmay be allotted and divided. g. 33. z. By the Magifirates appointment and command alfo, may this be done. Though,.be make-not Minifters, yet may he do much in affigning them their Provinces, Seats, and' Stations: and it is our duty toobey his Commands in fuel] cafes if they be not plainlydeftrdti.ve.to the Church much, more if they are beneficial to it. 4. 34.. 3. A lfoby aMiniflers owndifcernirg of a fit oppor- tunity todo good.,. either by the Magiftrates bare permiflì on, the peoples invitation , or their willingnefs, or not oppofing ; or though they do oppofe, yet fome other advantages for the work may be difcerned, or Hopes at Intl-. Nòw thoughthe Call of Ordination mull be from the Paftors of the Church, and neither Ivlagifirates nor people can make us Minifters, yet the Call of Opportunity may be from the people and Magiltrate, more com- monly then any. And he that is already a Minifler, needs not alwayes another Call for the exercifing of his Miniftry, fave only this Call by Opportunity. He had his Authority by that Call that placed him in theOffice ; which was done at firft and mull be donebut orce. But he bath his Opportunity mod ßation for the exercife of that Authority by the people and Magiftrates, and perhaps may receive it over and Over many times. 4. 35. 5. This way ofexercifng the Miniftry is not alike neceffary in all times andplaces but with great variety it is exceeding neceffary in foamCountreys, and'not in others, but ufeful in fome degree in moil as I conceive. g. 36. If the Queftion be, whether filch a Miniilry be,ufeful in thefe Dominions, or not 2 I have anfwered-before, that in force darker andnecefíious parts, where ignorance doth reign, andMinifters (or abbe ones at lead) are fcarce, there Inch an, exercifeof the Minifiry is neceffary : but inother parts k is not of fuch necefsity : yet muchwork there may befor fuch, or for thofe in the next Chapter mentioned;. in molt Countreys -of themtherefore I (hall next fpeak. Co 3, CHAP