(z86) 4.11:4:tiittWMPT, CHAP. II OffixedPa/tors that a f participate in thework of the unfixed. g. z = ; a. T is not only the unfixed Minifters-that may lawfully do the foredefcribed work, but the '11%, ' ; fixed Paftors of particular Churches may i '`' take their part of it ; and ordinarily should "3,77 do fomewhattoward it : though not fomuch as they that are wholly in it. §. z. I t tail bere [hew you, a. What fuch maydo. z. On what terms. 3. And then I (hall prove it. And I. They may asMinifiers of Chrift, go abroad to preach where there are ma- ny ignorant or ungodly people in order to their Converfion. z. Theymay help toCongregate Believers into holy Societies, where it is not already done. 3. They may Ordain them Elders in fuch Churches as they Congregate. 4. They may oft enquire ,after the welfare of the Neighbour Churches , and go among them, and vifit them, and strengthen them, and admonifh the Pallors to do their duties. q. They may inftrua and teach the Pallors in publike exercifes. 6. They may exercfec anyads of aäorfhip or Difcipline upon thepeople ofanyparticular Church, which giverh thema due invitation thereto. 7. They may pub- likely declare that they will avoid Communion with an impious or heretical Church or Pallor. g. 3. But z. As to the mode or terms, it fhould be thus performed. r. No Pallor of a fingle Church mull leave his Rock a dayor hour without fuck neceffary bufinefs as may prove bis Call todo fo. Wemuff not feign aCall when we have none ; or