Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

z ) or pretend necefsities. He that knows his obligations v iii: par- titular charge, and the work that is there to be done, methinks Shouldnot dare to be flepping_afide, unlefs he be fure it is toa greater work. 4. 4. And z. NoPallor of a ChurchShouldbe bulle to play the Bithop in another mans Diocefs, nor fufpe& or difparage the parts or labours of the proper Pallor of that Church, till the fufferings or dangers of the Church doevidently warrant him, and call him toof ift them. 4. 5. 3. No Minifler of Chrill Should be fo prúüd ás to overvalue his own parts, and thereupon obtrude himfelf where there is no need of him ( though theremight be need ofothers) upona conceit that he is fitter then other men to afford afsillance tohis Brethren. When the cafe is really fo, he may judge it fo : efpecially whenhis Colleagues or fellow Minillcrs judge fo too, and delire him to the work : but Pride mull not fend out Mini- flers. 4. 6.4.. A Minifter that bath divers fellowPresbytersat home. to teach and guide that Church in his abfence,maybetter goout on afsifling works then other men. And fo may he that bath help that while from Neighbour Presbyters, or that bath fuch a_charge as may bear his abfence for that time, without any great or confiderable lofs. S. 7. 5. And a man that is commanded out by the Magi.. orate, who may make him aVifiter of the Churches near him, may lawfully obey ; when it would not have been fit tohave done it without fucha command, or fore equivalent motive. 4. 8. 6. Aman that is carneflly invited byNeighbour-Mini- fiers or Churches, that call out to him, Come and help as, may' have comfort in his undertaking,if he fee a probability of doing greater good then if he denyed them, and if they give him fa- tisfa&ory reafonsof their Call. 4. 9. 7. Menof extraordinary abilities, fhould make them as communicative and ufeful to all as pofsibly they can : and may not fo eaSily keep their retirements , as the Weak may g. r o. 8. And laflly, Noman fhould upon anyof thefe prey tences ufurp aLordfhip over his Brethren, nor takeon him to be the fistedPallor of Paflors, or of many. Churchesas his fpe- etai