Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

ßz88 ) r:iai Charger Tt is one thing to do the common work of Minià fters abroad, by feeking mens Converfion, and the planting of Churches, or elfe to.afford afsiftance to many Churches for their prefervation, eftablìfhment or increafe : and its another thing tò take chargeof there Paftors and hurches, as the proper Bithop or Overfeer of them. The former may be done; but I know no warrant forthe later. g. t 1. That fixed Minifters may do all thefe forementioned works, with the aforcfaidCautions, I íhall briefly prove. a. By loma general Reafons, fpeaking to the whole ; and 2_. By .go- ing over the particulars t1y, and giving fume reafon_for each part. ce t z. And a. It is certain that a Minifter doth not ceafe to be a Minifter in general, nor to be an Officer authorized to Peek the Difciplingof them without, and Congregating them, by his becoming the Paf}or of a particular Church : therefore he may Rill do the common works of the Minifiry where he hath a Call, as well as his Paf'coral fpecial work to them that he bath taken fpecial care of. As the Phyfitian of an Hofpital or City may take care alit) of other perlons, and cure them, fo be raegle& not his charge. g. 13. z. A Minifter lothnot lay by his Relation or Oblì_ gations to the unconverted world, nor to the CatholikeChurch, when he affixeth himlelf to a fpecial charge. And therefore he may do:the work of his Relations and Obligations, as aforefaid. Yea thofe works in fome refpeas fhould be preferred, becaufe there ismore of Chrifts intereft in the Univerfál Church, or in many Churches then in one ; and that work in which the mot} of our ultimate End is attained, is the greateft work : that in which God is molt honoured,the Church molt edified,andmoll honour and advantagebrought to the Gofpeland ceufeof Chrift,fhould be preferred : But ordinarily thefe are more promoted by the Communication of our help to many (as aforefaid) then by confining is to one particular Church. Thecommoneft good is the heft. g. 14. 3 Oft-times the Necefiity of filch Communicative labours is fo apparently great, that it wouldbe unmercifulnefs to the Churches or fouls of mento neglect them. As in cafe of Reforming , and (cling Churches ( upon which gather , te-t daachthou,