377 ) fielves that menarise, that write against Original fin, and for Liberty of Prophecying, ( which is more then Liberty of Belie- ving ) and for a kind of Limbos Patrum and Infantum, and for humane Satisfac`fions for fin to God, and for the Primavy of the Pope, and that all our Proteftant Churches are no Churches, or Ministers no Ministers, that have not Prelatical Ordination, yea and a Succeffion of it ; with many the 1ske ( to fay nothing of other Pelagian weeds.) It dothnot therefore become you to reproach us with our fwarms of Errors while you introduce them. g. 3r..3. There were Herefes and Sects even in the da}'es of Prelacy. Had you not then the Fatnilifts, the Grundietoni- ans, ( fuch as Hacker, and Coppinger, and Artbinóton) and the Anabaptists, and*Sepiratifts, andAntinomians, and Papifc, and fuch like ? befides the contention; between the Aminions in and Antiarminians, and the contentions railed by Episcopacy it felf, and the Ceremonies that it upheld ? Who were theythat role up againft the Bishops, and pulled them down, if there were Unity under them, as you pretend ? g. 32. 4. The truth is, it was the Magifirateand not Epif- copacy that kept that Unity and Peace amongus which we had ; and that kept under Heresies fomuch as they were kept under. Take not therefore theMagilirates honour to your felves. Who would have attendedyour Courts,or fubmitted to your cenfures, had it not been for fear of the Secular power ? I think but few. , You know the E?ereticks themfelves keyed you not for Confci- ence fake. Nor would they have regarded your Excommuni- cation, if theMagistrate would have let them alone. If it was the fpiritual (word in your hands that kept out Heresies, why did you not keep them out fence, as well as then ? You have the fame power from Chriff now as ever you had. And I hope the fears of perfecution will not hinder you from your duty : efpe- daily when you can name fo few that have fuffered for exerci- fing Church-difcipline by Epifcopal power l at least this was no hinderancea few years ago. For my part, I heartily' wifh'`you freefrom persecution; if you are not. But again I tell you, that which I fuppofe you know that as free aTolerationof Prelacy in England as there is ofPresbyterie, were the likelyeft way tobring you into perpetualcontempt. Fot we cannot but knows:: ,