Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

(3 v8 ) know, that betides a fewCivil engaged Gentlemen,Minifeers,and others, your twain body would confift of thole that for their notorious impiety ,fcandal or ignorance, are thought unmeet for Church-communion by others : and that when you came to ex- ercifeDi'cipline.on them, they would hate you and fly from you as much as ever they did from Puritans : and if you did in- dulge thee, and not reform themor Gait themout, your. Church would be the Contempt of the fober part of the world, and your own lober members would quickly relinquifh it for flume. For ( the Churchof England ] if you would needs be fo cal- led, would be taken for the fink of all the other Churches in England. This is a clear and certain truth that is eafily difcern- ed, without a Prophetick fpirit : and the difhonour of all this ould refleet upon your Prelacy. 3 3. 5. And further, I anfwer your Objection ; that it is not the infufñciency of other Church- government in compari- fon of Prelacy, that was the inlet of our Heretics andDivifions but it was the Licentioufnefs of a timeof war, when all evil fpi- rits are turned look, and the fubtilty of the Papifes that have taken advantage to fpawn amongus the Quakers, and Levellers, and Behcmifts, and other Paracelfians, and the Seekers to con- found and difhonour us if they could, and to promote their caufe. And in times of war, efpecially when fuch changes in the Civil flare enfue,and fo many adverfaries are watching to fow tares, fuch thingsarecommon. § 34. 6. And you cannot fay, that it comes from the infuf- frcìency of other Government in comparifon of yours, becaufe you feenoother Government fetled inftead of yours, fo far as to be feconded by the fwordor fecular power ; no nor fo far as tohave a word of command or perfwafion to thepeople to obey it, ( except an Ordinance that in molt places was hindered from execution r) nor is there any oneGovernment fo much as own- ed aloneby the Magiftrate. Betides, that theCivil powerit feif reftraineth nor thofe that you (peak of, as to the molt of them. 3.3 5. 7. Lately, if you would compare your Prelacy -with other Government, compare them where thecafe is equal. Hach not Presbyterie in Scotland, and in France ( withmuch lefa help and countenance from the Magiftrate,) kept out Herefìesand divifi0ns,