(3z divifions, as much atleaf}, as ever Prelacy did ? It is etrtaiQ that it bath. 4. 3 6. And yet I t aufl add, that the multitudeof Secsand Heretics that fprung up in ti a firfl, and fecond, and third Ages, was no (nth difhonour to the form of Government then ufed in the Church, as fhould encourage any man todiflike or change it. If it was Prelacy that was ufed, then fwarms of Sects and Here., `fits may come in notwithllanding Prelacy ( even.in better hands then yours. ), But if it were not Prelacy that was then the Go- vernment, Hefes are no more a fhame to that Government now. 4. 37. I know many Readers will think, that this writing that purpofely comesfor Peace, fhotald not be guilty of repeat- ing and remembring the faults of others, nor fpeak to them fo plainly as is liker to exafperate then pacifie. But to thefe I fay, I. Their Objeftions which theyMilt} on, cannot be anfwered but by this openingof the truth. And 2. The truth is, thofe men that own all the abufes and perfecutiorsof the late Prelates, and are impenitent as to their guilt, and wifh,and would have the fame again, are no fit materials for a concordant frame. If their buliinefs be deflroying, they will never well joyn with us in building and in healing. Repentance is the bell Ingredient inour Salve. We content to the fame conditions that we propofe, and will thank them if they will help us to Repentance ; efpecially of filch fins as are defiruetive to the Churches peace. 4. 38. And the Godly Moderate Epifcopal men do concur withus in the blamingof theabufes of their party. Saith that goodand peaceableB ifhop Bailin his model} offer to the Aífem- bly, pag. 3 . [ /Amidbe a flatterer of the times pall, if 1 Amid takeupon me to juflifieorapprove of all the carriages offame, that have been entrufedwith the Keyes of Ecclefiaflical Government: or to blanch over the corruptions of.Conf:florial Officers.: in both thef there wasfault enough to ground both a Complaint. and Re- formation : and may that man never profper, that defires notan happy reformationofwhatfoever bathbeen,or is amifi.in the Church of God.] 4.39. Object. 9. But it is not only the abufes of Epifiopacy, but the thing it ¡elf that loathbeen Covenantedaping in England, andoppofed ; nor is it onli the ,EngliAPrelacy, brat all Epfcopacy Llu anci