(330) .4nt thereforeyour motion for another fpeciesis lilee to findbutfine. Acceptance. . 40. 1ilnfir. It is not true that all Epifcopacy bath been Covenanted againfl or takendown inEngland. Nor is it true of any of the forts of Epifcopacy which I have here mentioned, It was only that which was then exi { }ent that was taken down, and only the Engli{h frame of Arch-bi hops, Bithops, Deans, and the ref},as here they Goveraed,that was Covenanted againf}. Of which I Iball fpeak more anon in anfwer to the Obje&ions of others. §. 41. Ob je&. I o. nohow covetenflyfeized on the Revenues of theWithaps, andmadeyour felves fat with their Poffefons, and this was the prize that youaimed at in taking them down. Anfw. The world feeth the fai hood of this flander, in the open light ; and thereforefor your credit fake, you were bet} recant it. Eng- land knoweth that the Bifhops lands were fold, and given to the Souldiers, andnot tothe Presbyters. It maintained the Army, and not the Minif}ry. And that the Dean and Chapters lands is gone the fame way, or the like, to pay the debts of the State, And that Presbyters have none of them all, fave that here and thereone that had about ten, or twenty, or thirty pound a year, have fomewhat in Augmentation, that the Churchesmay not be left to Readers, and blind Guides, as they were in the Prelates dayes. I that have a fuller maintenance then niof} in all the Countrywhere I live, do receive but about eig`tty pound and fometimes ninety pound per annum a and did I need topull down Prelacy for this ? j. .z. j Come now to the Obje&ions of the other fide, who I will be offended with mefor confenting for peace, to fo much as I here do ? And I. Some will fay, that we are en- gaged againi all Prelacy byCovenant, and therefore cannot yield ?ro fomuchasyen do,without theguilt of perjury. §. 43. Anfw. That this is utterly untrue, I thus demonfirate. ;. When the Covenant was prefented to the Affembly, with alebarename of [ Prelacy joyned to Popery, many Grave and ReverendDivines defired that the word [ Prelacy) might be explained, Wank it was not all Epifcopacy that they were ogs ita16,