againft. And thereupon the following Concatenation in the parenthefiswas given by way of explication : in thefe words, [ that is, Chaarch-government by Arch-bifhops, Bifbaps, their Chancellors andCommi ffaries, Deans, Deans and Chapters, Arcle - deacons, andall other EcclefiafikalOfficers, depending on that Hie. rarchy. By which it appeareth that it was only the Englifh Hierarchy or frame, that was Covenanted againft s and that which was then exillent, that was taken down. .44. 2. When the houleof Lords took the Covenant, Mr. ThomasColeman that gave it them, did fo explain is and profefs, thatit was not their intent toCovenant againfi all Epifcopacy and upon this explication it was taken : and certainly the Parlia- ment were molt capable of givingus the due fenfeof it becaufe it was they thatdid impofe it. 4. 45. 3 . And it could not be all Epifcopacy that was ex- cluded, becaufe a Parochial Epifcopacy was at the fame time ufed and approved commonly here in England. 4.46. 4. And inScotland they had ufed the help of Vifitors for the Reformation of their Churches, committing the care of a Countyor large Circuit to forceone man, which was as high a fort of Epifcopacy at lealli, as any I am pleading for. Betides that they hadModerators in all their Synods, which were tem- porary Bifhops. 4.47. 5 Alfo the chief Divines of the late Affembly at Wefiminfier, that recomni nded the Covenant to the Nations, hueprofeffzd their own judgements for fuch a Moderate Epif- copacyas I am here defending : and therefore theynever intend- ed the exclafionof We by the Covenant. 4.48. Object. 2. By this we ,/ball Teem mutable, while we takedown Epifcopacyone year,and fet it up again thenext. Anfw. Wedelire not the letting upof that whichwe have taken down.: and thereforeit isnomutability. 4.49. Objeá. 3 . But this will prepare for the refítanrat;on of the old Epifcopacy. By fuchdegrees it invaded the Chaarchatfirfi : and if we let in thepreparatorydegree, the refs in time is like to fol- low; 41 that we can do is little enough to keepit otat. 4.50. Anfw. T. If we had no other work to we would do this as violently as you delire : but we have the contrary ex- tream to take heedof and avoid ; and the Churches Peace, if it 11 u a , may