Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

( 332 ) may be, to procure. 2. As we mull not take down the Miniflry; left it prepare men for Epifcopacy, fo neither mull we beagainfl any profitable exercife of the ivlinillry, or deurable Order among them, for fear of introducing Prelacy. 3. Nor is there any fuch danger of it, as is pretended : as long as the Magiffrate puts not the (word into their hands,and no man can be lubjeeled CO them, but by his own Content, what need we fear their en- croachments onour liberties. 4. It is not inyour power to hin- der the Species of Epifcopacy that is pleaded for, from being in- troduced : but only towithhold your own content, and hinder peace and unity. For any Minifterthat will, can efIeem another his fuperiour, andbe ruled by him, and do nothing without his confent : Thefeare the actions of his own free-will. 5. As long as you are free from violence ifyou findan evil or danger, you may draw back 9. 5 r. Objeft. 4. Have we not fmarted by them late enough already ?Jhall wefofoon be turningback to eIgypt ? Anfw. That which you have fmarted by we delire you not to turn back to ; but that which is Apoftolical, pure, and profitable to the Church, and thats notgypt. 9. 5z. Objeá. 5. You do all this for Peace with Epifcopal Di- vines: andwhere is the re any of them that is worthy fo fludious a: Pacification? Do they not commonly own their former impieties and perfecutions ? Are they not meerformalifb and enemies to pratica1 Godlinefs ? Would they not twine the Cburcb,and do as theyhave done, ifthey had power? HathGod brought them domo for their own wickednefs, and(hall wefet them upagain.? 9.53 . Anfw. r. All are not fuck as you defcribe : Many of them are godly able men, that defire and endeavour the good of the Church. 2. If there were none in this ageworthyof our communion; yet, if we will have a tailing peace,wemull extend the termsof it fo far as to comprehend all that are fit for Coen munion. And fuch we may eafily know, there will be ofthis opinion throughout all ages. 3. And moil of the Churches in theworld being already for a higher Prelacy then this, we fhould agree with them as far as well we may. $. 54. Obje&6.But the Parliament have enaEledinthefettle- moo ofthe Civil Government,rhat Poperyand Prelacy 'hall not be tolrated.4nfw. That is,the Englifh PrelaGy excluded by the Co- venant,