Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

( 33 3 ) venant, and that,as it would be exercifed byviolence,and forced upon dif eniers. Its known what Prelacy was in England; and they cannot rationally be interpreted to fpeàk againít anyhut what was among us,and taken notice ofunder that ríame. You fee the fame Power allow a ParochialEpifcepacy, and allo Ap- provers of all that are admitted to publick preaching ; and you fee they allow an Itinerant Minifiry in Wales: and they joist M,egifirátes andMi;sifters for the ejeäing ofthe infufficient ï,Yli- nifler : and they never forbad or hindered a fated Prefidencj, Or any thing that I have pleaded for : yea they continued a Mc- derator of the A fTembly at wefiminfier for many years, even tu his death. And what fuller evidence would you have that it is not any fuck Épifcopacy whole liberty they exclude, under the name of Prelacy? Only they would not have the Hierarchy by LanLChancellors to govern the Church, and that by force of the fecular power annexedunto theirs : and fo they deny them Liberty to deprive all other men of their liberty. But this is no- thing to the matter in hand. g. 55 . To conclude, let it be noted, in anfwer toall other ob- jeâions, that thePrefrderycy , .or'preheminence pleaded for,doth enable no man to do harm ; but only give themfelves advantage to do good. They canhinder no man from preaching, or pray- ing or holy living, or improvinghis abilities so the good of the Church : Nor can they Govern any man further then they have his own Confent.All which being well confidered,l may conclude that this much may be granted in order co the healing and Rey forming of the Churches, 11 u, , C1lA.o