( 335 ) J ... o i"tY.^J$, rf 4:$1,6 CHAP. V jm The f u2 of the foregoing Propoftionr and the Conlifiency of them with the Principles of each party, and f their aptitude to reconcile. . t. . .; ', HE fumm of all that I have prop pounded is,that thoughwe cannot, we may not embrace the Govern- ment by Prelacy, as lately exercifed here in England ( how confident- ly foever (orne appropriate the title oftheChurch ofEngland to the ad- herents of that frame,) yet would we not have the Church ungoverned , nor worfe governed, nor will we refufe for peace fuch a kind of Epifcpacy as is tolerable in theChurch.And therearefour fortsof Exercifeofthe Miniftry,which if you pleafe,you may callEpifcapacy, which we !hall not refufe when it may conduce to Peace. x. Parochial 4 2. I. We fha!l confent that the Ancient Parochial Epîfco' '3im°S' pacy bereflored : that is, that inevery Parith that bath a parti- cular Church, there maybe a Pallor or Bifhop fetled to govern it,accordingto the wordof God: And that he may be the chief among the Presbyters ofthat Church,if therebe any And may .!fume fit men tobe affifling Presbyters to him, if there be fuch to be hid. If nor , he may be content with Deacons. And theft Parochial Bifhops are molt antient, and have the Power of Ordination. á.