334) g. 3. Yet dowe not fo tye a Church toa Parifh, but that in places where the ignorance, infidelity, or impiety of the people, or the fmalnefs of the Parifhes isfuch, as that there are not fit perfons enough in a Parith to make a convenient particular Church, it may befit for two, or three, or four ( in neceffity ) Neighbour Parifhes to joyn together, and tobe formed into one particular Church. The feveral Miniflers keeping their flations, for the teachingof the relt as Catechumens, but mining as one Presbyterie, for Governingof that one particular Church, that is Congregateamong them. And having one Prefident, with- out whom nothing fhould be done in matters left to humane de- termination. Yet fo,that the Presbytersbe not forced to this,but do it freely. g. 4. I I. We (hall content that there Parith Churches be Af- 'rise !laud fociate,and that in every Market Town (or fuch convenient Prefidénts of places as (hall be agreed on) there may be frequent meetings of Afrsé aced flo the Pallor', for CommunionandCorrcfpondency; and that one among them be theirBanding Moderator durante vita, or their Prefident (for fo I wouldcall him rather then Bifhop, though we would leavemen toufe what name they pleafe) And to him fhould be committed the Communicating of times and places of meeting, and other bufineffes and Correfpondencies. And the Moderatingof thedebates anddifputations. g. s. And for mypart.I would content for peace that de fat-10 no Ordination be made in either of the forefaid Presbyteries, without the Prefident, but in cafesofNeceífity : fo be it r . That none be compelled to own any other °Principle of this Praâice,. then a Love of Peace; and nonebe compelled to profefs that he holdeth the Prefident to have de jure a Negative voice : yea that all have liberty to write down on what other Principles they thus yeild, that the PraFlice only may fuffice for Peace. ¢. 6. I 1 I. We fhall confent alto, that one in a Deanry or 3.A 'niter Hundred, or other convenient fpace, may by the Magiftrate be of the neigt- chofen a Vifitorof the Churches and Countreyabout him; having ches andr- Pciwer only to take noticeof the (late of things, and gravely to Countre admonifh the Paflors where they are negligent, and exhort the y' people, and provoke them ro Holinefs, Reformation and Unity, only by perfwafions from the Wordof God. Which is nomore then anyMinifter maydo that bath opportunity : only we delire the