Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

(336 the Magittrate to delgn a particular perfon to do it ( requiring Mrrfters and people to give, him the meeting, ) becaufe that which is every mans work is not fo well done, as that which is fpecially committed to fome. And we delire that he mayac- quaint the Magiftrate how things arc. Tittle two to S 7. And to avoid the inconveniences of dividing theft works, be in one we are delirous that thefe two latt may meet in one màn : and fo man, he that is choler by the Paltors, the Prefideat of their Afiocia- tion, may be chofen his Vititor by the Magiftrate, otnd do both ; which may be done by one in every Market-town ( which is truly a City in the antient fenfe ) and the circumjacent Villages. Yet this we cannot make a ftariding Rule ( that one man do both) betaufe the `7) afiors muft choofe their Prefident, and the 11M'agifratehis Vifator;and its pofíible they may not alwayes con.. cur. But if the Magiftrate will not choofe fuch a Vifitor,the Fa- f#ors may.But then they can compel none tòmeet him or hear him. 4. General i 8. I V. Betides thefe three (or two, whether you will) unfixed Mini- before mentioned, we (hall confent that there be a-general fort [tern. of Miniftera, fuel as the Apofiles, Evangeliis, and others in thofe times were, that fhall have no fpecial charge, but go "u p and down to preach the Gafpel, and gather Churches where there are none, and contribute the be-ft affiftance of their Abili- ties, Intereft and Authority for the reforming, confirming, and right ordering of Churches. And if by the Magifirates Com- mand, or Minifters confent there be one of thefe afigned to each County, and fo their Provinces prudentially diflinguifhed and limited, we (hall not diffent. Yet we would have fuch but where there is need. y. g. V. Betides thefe four forts of Bifhops, we are all agreed on two forts more ; r . TheEpifcopi gregis,or Paftors of So crrnfian- every Congregation, whether they haveanyau ftant Presbyters tine calls him. or no, or being themfelves but fuch affiftant Presbyters. 2. The felf a Bishop. Magiftrate,who is * a fecular Bifhop, or a Governor of the ifaafeb. vit. Churchby force. And we delire the Magiftrate tobe anurfing C 7.4. AM he made his Court a Church,and affembling the people,did tile to take,the holy Scri- ture,and deliver Divinecontemplations out ofit,or elfe he would read the Common-Pray- ers to the whole Congregation, cap.r7.And it is plain that it was Confiantine that kept the Churches in Unity and Peacç, when the Bifhops elfe would have broken them to peaces. And the Em erotirsfrequently took down and let up Bithops at their plcafure,efpecially in the tatriarchial Seats as Rome, Confïantin*plc, Antioch, Aleximdriìt, Father