Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

(33i) Father to the Church, and do his duty, and tokeep the (word in his own hand ; and forforcible depofing Ivliniflers, or any pu- nishment on body or eftate,we delire noBifhops nor other Mi- nillers may be authorized thereto : But if Paffors exclude an unworthy Paftor from their Communion, let the Magiflrate on- ly deprive him forcibly of his place and maintenance, if he fee caule. When the Council of Antioch had depofed Paulus Sa- mofatenris, he wouldnot go out of the houle : And all the Bi- fhops in_the Council could not force himout, but were fain to procure the Heathen Emperor Aurelian todoit. I t lyeth as a blot on Cyril of Alexandria that he was the firfl man that ar- rogated andexercifed there a fecular Coercive Power, under the name of a Bifhopof the Church. g. r o. There is enough in this much to fatisfie any moderate honemen for Church-government, and for the healing of our Divifions thereabout : And there is nothing in this that is in- confiftenc with the Principles of the moderare of any Party. g. r i. r. That a Church organized, called by fome Ecclefia prima, Jhould be no greater then I have mentioned, is not contradi5ïory to the Principles of the Epifcopall Presbyteri- ans, Congregationall or Eraflian. Indeed the two fitti fay,that+ it may be bigger : but none of them fay, It muff be bigger. The Presbyterians infiances of the Church of ?erufalem ( which fcrued to the highest,cannot be proved neer halffo great as fome nf our Parifhes) and fuch other Churches are but for the may be, and not for the muft be. And therefore iftheybe peace- able, this will make no breach. g. r 2. 2. That Parochial Churches andAlfrociationt have fixed Prefadents, is nothing contrary toany of their Principles, as far as I am able todifcern them. g. 13. 3. That Paftors may be lawfully appointed to vifit and help the Countryand the neighbour Churches, and ex`aort them to their duty,andgive the Magi,lrate information of their Bate, is a thing that none can ¡Wily blame, any more then preaching a Leáure among them. Nor do I know anyparty that is againft it,(of there four.) g. 14. And 4. That theremay be more General Miniers toga - ther, and take care ofmany Churches , I chinknone ofthem will deny. Sure the Itinerant Miniflers in Wales will not : Nor X yet