C338) -yet that thee may have their Provinces diflingtahedò lÉt' I could' imagine which of all thefe forts would be denied , I wouldsnore fully prove it, yea and prove it confiftent with the Principles ofeach party ; but till then its vain. 5. Theonly point that I remember, like tobe queflioned, is the contenting to forbear Ordination in f veral Trelbyteries , till the Prrfident be one,except incafe ofNecefty : And nothing is here quei l ionable, that I obferve,but only Whether it be confiflent with the Principles of the Congregational party,feing they would have 811 Ordination to be by the Elders of their own Church and where therearenone, that it be done by the people without Elders. To which I anfwer, a. That we here grant them that a Congregational Presbyterie with their Prefident may ordain an Elder for that Congregation. 2. The Moderate Congregational men dogrant us that the Elders or Paflors of other Churches may lawfullybe called toaffiil them in Ordination, though they think it benot neceffary.It is not therefore againfi their Principles to do fo. For furs theymay do a Lawful thing, efpecially when the Churches Peacedoth lie fo much upon it as here it cloth. g. i6. I conclude therefore that here are healing Principles brought to your hands, if you have but healing inclinations to receive them. Here is a fufficient remedy for our Divifions, upon the account of Church-government,if you have but hearts to entertain them, and apply them. But if (orne on ore fide will adhere to all their former exceffesand abufes, and continue impenitent unchurching the bell of the Protefant Churches that are not Prelatical ( while they unchurch not the Church of .?orne:)And if others on theother fide will filly rcfufe toyield in things that cannot be denied to be lawfull, yea and convenient for theChurcbes, and fet more by all their own conceits then by the Peace of Brethren, and confequently the profperity of the Church, we mull leave the care ofall to God, andcontent our (elves that we have doneour duty.- Cl-IAP;