Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

C 339 ) CHAP. VII. Some anees toprove that moderate men agree apon the foregoingtermri §, EST any think that it is a hopelefs work that I have motioned .nd the parties will not agree upon i ed, terms I fluff fhall next prove to you that the godly and moderateof each party; are agreed already ( at leaa the Epifcopal and Presbyterians, and I think the rea: ) and that its in Pratice more then Princi- ples that we difagree. §. z. 1.1 will begin with the Epifcopal Divines, of whomthere ate two parties, differing much-more from one another,then the one of themdoth from the Presbyterians. The ancient Bithops and the moderateof late,did maintain the Validity ofOrdination by Presbyters,and own the Reformed Churches that hadother, fuppofing their Epifcopacy ufefull to the perfeftion or well being ofa Church,but not neceffary to the beingof it.And this fort of men(who allo agreewith us indoftrine)we could quickly be re- conciled with. But of late years there are many Epifcopal Di- vines fprung up;that embra.cingtheDodrine called Arminianifm, dowithal deny theBeing of the Minifiry and Churches that want Prelatical ordination:and with thefe there is no hope ofconcord, becaufe they will have it on no other terms then renouncing our Churches and Miniary, and being againordained ky them, and thus coming wholly over to them. Thefe feparate from us, and pretend that our Churches have no trueWorfhip(wonderous au- dacity, )and our Miniaers are no true Miniaers , and call the Church into private houles (as D. Hide exprefly in his [Chril and his Church ] in the beginningof the Preface ; and many others. ) Ofwhom I fpoke before. .3.That the ancient Englifh Bifhops that hold to thedoctrine of the Church .England, and are peaceable men are eafily _ _