Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

604 (34o ) agreed with us, I firft prove from the exarnp'e ofReverend Bi; fhop Hall. En his Peace -maker hehath thefewords,[Pag.46,47, 48,49. The D;vifonsof the Churchare either General betwixt our Church and the other Reformed ; or fpecial with thofe within the bofomeof our ownChurch; both which requ'refeveral confiders. tions. For the former,6lef fedbe God,thereis no difference in any cfren tial matter betwixt the Church of England andher Sifters of the Reformation: We accordin every point orChrif#ian Dodrive with out !call the variation. (N B.) Their publike Confefons andours, are fufficient èonvi&íions to the world, of our fullandabfolute agree- ment ; the onlydifference is in the form ofoutwardadtnimigration : Wherein al fo we are fofar agreed, as that weall profefs thisform not to be e ffential to the being of a Church ( N. B.) though much importing the well or betterbeing ofit, according to our feveral apprehenfions thereof and that we do all retain a reverent and loving opinionof each other inour own leverai wages : rot feting any reafon why fo poor a diverfityfhould work, any alienation of af. fetlion in us, one towards another : But withall, nothing binders but that we maycome yet clo/er to oneanother, ifboth may refolve to meet in that `Primitive Government ( whereby it is meet wefhoseld both be regulated) univerfally agreed on byall antiquity ; wherein all thing. tì'ere orderedand tranfac`led by the Content ofthe Presby- urie., moderated by one confiant Preftdent thereof : the Primacy and perpetual pratlicewhereof no man can doubt ofthat bath bat teen the writings of Clemensand Ignatius, and loath gone along with the Hifiory of thofeprimitive times We m2ywell refs iR the judgement of Mr, JohnCamero, the .Learnedji Divine, be it (poke without envy, that the Church of Scotland bath afforded in this tail age : LNullus eft dubitandi, locus, &c. There is no doubt at all,faith he,but that Timothy was chofenby the Colledge of the Presbyters, to be the Prefadent of them, and that net without limeauthority over the refjl, but yetfach as have the due boundsand limits] Andthat this was a leading cafe, and common to other Churches, wasnever denyed by anyauthor. Words may not break, fquare, where the thingsare agreed. 1fthe name of a B fhsp dif- plea/ë, let themcallthis man a Moderator, a Pre/ident, a Super- intendent, an Overfeer ; rnly for the fixednefs or change &fthis per- fin, let the ancient and univerfall prucîice of Gods Church be thought worthy, to overfway: And if this one point (N. Y. ) (xiwhereIn, the difiance it fo rsarrow, we.cou.,td condejcet:d to each other