C340 ether, all other c rcurnf?ances Old appendancesof varyingpranices or opinions, might withoutany difficulty be accorded. But if there muß be a difference ofjudgement . in thefe matters ofoutward Po- licy whyfh,uld not our hearts be fill!one? whyfbould fuck a di- verfitybe of'Power to endanger the dillcaving ofthe bond of brother- hood ? May we have the 'race btu to follow the truth in Love, we fhall in theft feveral trails overtake her happily in the end ; and find her embracing of Peace,an i crowning us with blejfednefs 1 So far Bifhop Hall; fo that you fee that only the fixing of the Moderator or Prefident will .facisfe fuch as be : 'and fo with him and filch as he, for my part I am fully agreed al- ready. S. 4.. And here by the way, becaufe there are Co many Epifco- pal feparatifts of late, that hazzard the fouls of their partial fol- lowers, and becaufe the right habituatingofthe mind wich Peace is an excellent help to a found underflanding and the efcaping the errors and hainous fins that Fadionengageth too many in, I therefore make it my revel to all thatread thefe lines,but lober- ly to read over thàt*one Book of Bifhop Halls,called the Peace- P.ndMr. maker; once ör twice : which if I could ptocure,T thirik t fhould Eatou hs do much to the Peace of thefe Churches, and tó the good of Irenico'r. many endangered fouls,that by paflàonate and factious leaders are ïnifguided § 5.-.The fameRerererfdman in his Humble Remonflrance bath thefewords, Pag. 29, 3o, "3 I. [ The fecond is intended to ra+fe envy againß us, aí the uncharitable cenfurersand condemners of theft Reformed Churches abroad, which differ from our Govern- ment : whereinwe do jußly complain of a flander.ous afper/ion craft upon us : We love and honour thofeSiffer Churches, as the dear fpoufe of Cbriß ; we blefs Godfor them ; andwe do heartily wifh unto them that happinefs in the Partner/hip o f our admitirftration, which Idoubt xot but they-dc no le/s heartily z tfh unto themfclves, Good words you will perhapsfay, but what is all this [,air comple- ment, ifour.all condemn then? For if t pìfcopacy fland by Di- vineright, What becomes of thefè Churches that want it ? Malice 4nel ignorance are met together in this unjuft aggravation: i. Our po/îtion is onlyaffirmative, implying the juftifiiablrnefs and holiness of an Epifcopal calling, without;any further implication Next,whinwe 1peak, of Divine right, we meannot an exprefs Law X 3, of