( 3 46 ) in England, if theywere not either wirer or foolifher, honefler or difhonefler then he and I. And this I leave on Record to Pot erity, as a tetiimony againft thedividers and contenders of this age, [ That it tray nt long of men of the temper and princi- ples of this Re verená Archbilhop and my Pelf, that the Epifcopal party and their difenting Brethren in England, were not fin-eddy and heartily agreed : fer we aEtnaydid it. ] To no honour of mine, but to he honour of this peaceable man, and the ("flame of the unpeuceable hinderers or refufers of our Reconciliation, let this teflimony live, that Poflerity may know whom to blame for our Calamities ; they all extol! Peace when they rejec`I it and def{roy it. . 9 For a third witnefs of the Reconcileablenefs of the Mo- . derate Epifcopal party on there terms, I may well produce Dr.. Dr. Holdf- Holdfovorth ; who fubfcribed thefe fame Propofitions of Bifhop worth. , V(her to the King : and thereforewas aContenter to the fame way of Accommodation. Dr. Fobs. §, z o. A fourth witnefs is Dr. Forbs of Scotland, who having written purpofely a Book called his Irenicon, for Accommoda- tionon fuch terms, I need to fayno more of him, but refer you to the Book. I flint! name no moreof theEpifcopal party. There: four are enow to my purpole. 4. i r. That the Presbyterians (of England fp_cially) are willing to clofe upon thefe termsof a fixed Moderator, I prove, z. By the profeli Confent of that ReverendLearned fervant of Gat Chrill Mr. ThomasGataker, aMember of the late Alterably at Weftminfter, who hath profeffed his judgement of this matter in a Book againft Lilly. I refer you to his ownwords, for bre- vity fake. The London g. 12. Mynext witnefs, and for brevity, many in one, thatl province, be Mr. Geree, and the Province of London, citing him in their 7rss DivinumMinifterii, pag, (Append. 122. the words are thefe LThat the Ancient Fathers in the point of Epifcopacy, difer more from the high Prelatic then from the Presbyterian : for the Presbyterians .elwayes have a Prefident ro geeide their atlions, which they acknowledge may beperpetual durance vita modo fe bene gef- ferit ; or temporary to avoid inconvenience, Which Bi':fon takes hold of as advantagions, becaasfe fo little difcrepant, (èts 'he faith) from what he miintainctb, ] Sec the reft there. 4. 13.