Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

C351) Sir T Hough I fhouldhave defired to havesmnderfloodyour thoughts about thepoint,df Sacriled e,that fo Imight have formedup my thoughts into font, better order andcleerer ifsue then Idid inmy la/f : yet ro fiewunto you hoW much I value this correfpondence With yeti, I am willing to wake fame return toyour laff. And f r fl touching the Scheolma-ier intended, &c. --- TheorIccomo- detion you fpeak of is a great and agood work fer thegaining into the work fucb ufeful part: and interefis as might very much heal thedifcord,and unite the firengshofmen to cppofe deflroellive ways, and inmy opinionmore feafble With thole men then any other, if they be moderate and godly : f r We differ w;th them rather about fosse pinacles of the Temple then the foundation er abbuttreffes thereof. Iwouldnot have muc!o time (p nt in a formula ofdoflrine or worship : for We are not much di(lant in therrs,and happily no more then with one another : But I Mould have the a ireesnent at- tempted in that very thing Which chiefly made the divifron, and that is Government; heal that breach and heal all : there beginand therein labour all you cas. What infinmence this may have upon others I knoW not in this exulceration of mensminds : bur thework, fpeaks itPelf -od, andyour reafons for the attemptiugof it are ve- ry confiderable. For the Affembly, you kxow,they can meddlewith jufl nothing but what is fen' unto them by Parliament or one hou/e thereof ( as the order faeh) and for that reason never took upon them to interme-lle therein. What they de insuch a thing, muff bedone as private per /ens, and not as in the capacity cfAffembly men, except it cometo them recommendedby the Parlianer,t.The great bee ficefs is to find a ,temperament in ordination and govern- ment,in both which the exclu f on or admittance of Presbyter: (di cis caufa) for a shadow , Was not regular : and no doubt the Presbyters ought and may both teach andgcvern,as men that mrs(g give accorent of fouls. For that youfay ofevery particular Church having many Presbyters, it loath been confïdered in our Affembly, and the Scriptnre fpeaka fairfor it, but then the Church and Cosy Was of one extent : no Parifbesor bounds affigned cut to particu- lar men (' as noW) but the Miniflerspreacht in Circuiiu or in com- monand flood in relation to the Churches as to one Church, though meeting