X35' 1) mating haply in divers hoasfs or places ( as is f illthe manner of fame Cities in the LowCountries.) Ifyou Will follow, this model, Jost mull lay the City all into one Chuch particular, and the pil- lages half adozen ofthem into a Church : which is a 6u4n0 here in England of waft drftgn andco fequence. And as for that you fay ofa Bifhop over many Presbyters,,not overmany Churches; I believe no fuck Ti/hops will pleafe our men: but the notion ee you conceive it,hath been andis theopinionof learned men. Gro- tius in his commentary on the Ads in divers places ani particular- ly Cap. 17. faith, that as in every particular Synagogue (many of whichwas in forne one City) therewas apyraToni)rt,yO-; filch was the Primitive B.fhop : and doubtlefs thefrff Biflops were over the community of Presbyters as Presbyters in joint relation to one Church or Region; which Region .being upon the increafe of believers, dividedinto more Churches, and inafter times thofe Churches afgred to particular men : yet he the Bifhop continued Bifhop over themHill. For thatyoufay, be bad a Negative voice, thats more then ever flaw proved, or ever (hall, l believefor the firfl two hundredyears ; andyet Ibave laboureà to enquire into it, That makes him Angelus princeps not Angelus præ1es as Dr. Reignolds faitbCalvindenies that,&makes himCorzful in Senatu. or as the Speaker in the horefeof Parli oment,Which as Ihaveheard that D. B. didfay, was but tomake him fore-man of the ,fury, Take heed of yeildinga Negativevoice. As touching the Intro- destlion of ruling Elders, fesch as are modelledout .by Parliament, my judgement is fufaciently' known : Iamof your judgement in thepoint. There fhouldbe filch Elders as have power to preach asWell as rule : 1fay power ; but how that Will be de'îledhere I know not except We could or Would return to the Primitivena- ture and conflitution of particular Churches : and therefore it malt be helped by the combination of more Churches together in- to oneas to the matter of Çovernment,and let them beftill dßirsfl as to Word andSacraments. That is the eafteff way ofeeccommo- dation that yet occurs to my thoughts. Sir Ifear 1 trouble yen too long, but it is toPhew howmuch Ivalue you andyour Letters to me : for ,Whicle. I thamk you andref Yours in.the.bell bonds Septemb, 7, R. Vines, Though