Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

( 3 5 3 ) ry Hough Mr. Dines here yield not theNegative Voice to have been defaçto in the firft or fecond age, nor to be de jure, yet he without any queltion yielded to the ftating-of a Prefident, durante vita, if he prove not unworthy, ( which was one chief point that I propounded to him. ) And I make no doubt but he would have yielded to a voluntary Con- tentof Presbyters de faronot to ordainwithout the Prefident, but in cafe of Necefiity: But that I didnot propound tohim.And thedifficulties that are before us de f 5lo in letting up a Parochi- all Epifcopicywhich he mentioneth, I have cleared up already in there papers, fhewing partly that the thing is already exiflenr, and partly how more fully to accomplifh it. All wouldbe cafie, if Holy, Self denying, Charitable hearts were ready to enter- tain and put inexecution the honer, healing Principles that are before us,and obvious to an ordinary underftanding : Or (if[till the Paftors will be contentious ) if Holy, Peaceable Magiltrates would ferioufly take the work in hand ,and drive on the floathful and quarrelfome Minillersto the performance of their duty. TheEpilcopacy ofthe Proteftant Churches in Poland. 151Drian. Regenvolfcius Hiftor. Ecclefiafi. Sclavonicar. Pro- vine. lib. 3. pige424. N. B. auoniam à prima Ecclefarum in minoris Polonia Pro - vincia,Reformatione, tofu confuettodine recepturn eft, ut é feni- oribus hifce osmiumDifiritltoum, quorum nómina 3 6.recenfuimus, unlit Primarias, five in ordine Primus, qui vulgo Superintendent Ecclefiarum minsris Polonia vocatur, Synodifque Povincialibus pr4idet ; totius Synodi Provincialis authoritate, confenfo. nc fuf- fragiis eligatur, ac, nonquidem per impofitionemmanuum, (prop- ter evitandamPrimatus alicujusj?sfpicionem, ant 'twit ac poteffa- tis alicujus in cateros renioreslpeciem, ) beneditlione tantum, fra- terna apprecatione, Of ciorton qua bocce concernunt munas pra/e- Rianc, piirq. totirss Synodi precibus , R,giminis duntaxat Or d is boni in Ecc'efìa D.i cauta, inaugurator addeclaratur; 7Ú Z z mina