Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

C35i) Qu. Whether a f1intedLiturgy, orform of oríhip, be a dejrablemeansfor the Peaceofthefe Churches Nneceífary prolixity isnot fo acceptable to ;gam - the Reader that loves both Truth and time, but that I may take it for granted that you defirc me to leave out füperAui. ties in this Difpute. i. The Etymologifis fhall be better agreed among themfelves ofthe derivation of sandntaT-F¡ia, before I will troubleyou with their judge-. rtaents. But we are commonly agreed that aen-014x ,;soft ufed for any , but more ltri&- ly , and ufually for a publich. i1Iinißration , or an, work. of publick office ; and yet more ftrialy from the Septu- agint , . Ecclefiaftick writers have almóft confined it to Holy MMnif ration , or public,, fervice or Woribip of God. The feveral ufes of the word in Scripture , and prophane and EcclefiaitickWriters, you mayfind in (o many Lexicons at plea- fure, that I fhall pats by thereft. Bellarmine doth too grofly pretend that when itsapplifd abfotutely to holy things,the word . is taken alwayes in the New Teftament, fora Miniftration in Z z 3 facri-