( s58) .facrificing. A little obfervation may confute that miffake. Nor is it agreeable either to Scripture or the ufeof the Ancient Church, to call only Forms of publick worfhip that are written, by the name of a Liturgy. Whether it were Form, or no Form, Writren or not written, Premeditated or extemporate, Words or .AEEtions,all the Publiclyholy Miniflration,or fervice of God, was ofold called The Churches Liturgy : And fo men may be for a Liturgy that are not for a Prayer Book. But latter times have moi used the word for chore Minted forms, that tome call Offices containing both the Rubrick or Direthory,and the Form of words prefcribed as the matter of the fervice.And feeing that chofe that nowwe (peak to, underftand it in this fenfe, we muff fpeak as they do, while we are (peaking to them. 2. Note that it is not any cm part of PublickWorthip that we (peak of alone, either Prayer, Praife, or other part, but we (peak ofthe wholeframe,and thereforeofaLiturgy,or Prefcribedwords in General, becaufe that is the controverfie that the times call us to decide. That which I take to be the Truth , and ufefull to our .Healing I (hall- lay down in there ten Propofitions follow- ing. Prop. i..4f inted Liturgy is in itfelf Lawful'. 2. A,(hinted Liturgy in feme partsof publick holy fervice isor- dinarily necefary.- 3. In the Parts where it is not of Neee?ty, it may not only be fubmitted to, but defired when the Peace of the Church reguir- eth it. 4. There is fo great dferente between Miniflers,andPeople, andTimes,that it maybe convenient and eligible to fosse, at tome times , and unfit and not eligible to others,andat ether times. 5 The t_Wliniflers and Churches that earnefily defire it, Jhould not by the Magiftrate begenerallyor abfolutely forbidden the ufe of a convenient prefcribed Liturgy. 6. To prefcribea frame ofHintedfervice, or Prayer, &c. and lay a Neceffity, er the Peace of the Church uponit, and to punifh, fi ence, fu/pend, excommunicate, or reproach the able, peaceable, godly A'Iiniflers, or people that (jufllyor unjuf ly) fcrupte the _. :;74v of it is fo great a fin, that no confcionable 1liniflers AMU